Lucas specializes in instructional design as well as technical writing. Working on these projects, Lucas has extensive experience using curriculum design software such as articulate along with design software such as WordPress and Adobe Creative Suite, as well as several other supporting software. With a minor in English as a Second Language and prior experience, Lucas also specializes in content that can be leveraged toward an international audience and has worked with several international nonprofits.
Lucas has a love for language and has enjoyed teaching English in the states, volunteering for international nonprofits, and getting involved in projects that are far-reaching in their impact. Having studied ancient near-eastern culture and Hebrew, Lucas enjoys academic writing as well and has submitted a few pieces to local academic journals.
Lucas graduated with a degree in Biblical and Theological Studies with a focus in Missions from Boyce College. Lucas also achieved a minor in English as a Second Language from the same institution, which serves as the undergraduate program of the Southern Baptist Theological Seminary in Louisville, KY.
Lucas has worked with several non-profits on multiple projects. Ranging from small start-ups to international organizations, Lucas has worked both independently and on teams in order to write for several organizations of varying sizes to meet their unique requirements.
With a background in Biblical and Theological Studies as well as having worked with several religious nonprofits in the past, Lucas has extensive knowledge in different religions, with a focus in Christianity. This includes an understanding of ancient near-eastern Hebrew as well as ANE texts.
With a background as both a licensed insurance agent and preparing technical documentation as a claim resolution specialist for 2 Fortune 100 companies (State Farm and Liberty Mutual,) Lucas has extensive knowledge on insurance products, best practices, and business structures within the insurance industry.
Lucas has written both ads and SEO as well as content for the Martyn Lloyd-Jones Trust, which includes their app. This project included reviewing audio of the Minister Lloyd-Jones and writing synopses in order to better improve UX when reviewing the sermon contents on the app.
Lucas has completed 6 different instructional design modules for Samaritan's Purse, an international relief company. Over the course of a year, these trainings were storyboarded, written and designed, and edited by Lucas until ready for publishing. These trainings were made for both a domestic and international audience and worked to cut back on company spending by erasing the need to send trainers to different countries each year.
Lucas has written newsletters for financial supporters of Culum Family Ministries for 2 years now. Through these newsletters and subsequent social media posts, funds for the year were accumulated within the first 6 months of the year. Newsletters included updates for current supporters as well as an appeal for those potentially interested.