Lynn has particular knowledge in:
- Chemistry
- Energy
- Math
- Finance
- Economics
- Medicine/Medical subjects
- Health/Wellness
- Psychological health
- Essential Oils
- Reiki/Energy medicine
- Alternative/Complementary healing
- Politics
Lynn is skilled as a technical writer, but she is also versed in creative writing. She's written advertising copy, short scripts, press releases, and most types of business correspondence. Purely for fun, she's even been known to write bad poetry.
Lynn is currently owned by one cat and five parrots and resides in League City, Texas, a suburb of just over 100K people situated halfway between Houston and Galveston in the heart of hurricane country. Neither cats nor parrots swim well, unfortunately.
From 2009 until January 2022, Lynn took care of her terminally ill best friend, Michelle Devon. Michelle was a heart/lung patient with a rare condition called Chronic Thromboembolic Pulmonary Hypertension (CTEPH) -- in essence, she chronically developed blood clots that went through her heart and into her lungs where, instead of resolving, they calcified, causing narrowing and blockage of her pulmonary arteries.
In their learning journey about her condition, Lynn and Michelle discovered other medical conditions that likely contributed to her illness and decline, including Hashimoto's disease, Factor V Leiden, a bicuspid aortic valve, and inherited autoimmune psoriatic arthritis.
Lynn's life changed in January 2022 when Michelle died.
Sometimes, people choose their interests. Sometimes, their interests choose them. Learning to research complex medical terms and issues became a daily part of Lynn's life for more than 10 years in a fight to prolong Michelle's life and improve her quality of life.
Along the way, some of the knowledge she gained helped her best friend make his choices and transition as he dealt with metastatic ocular melanoma that went to his liver, ending his life in 2018. It also helped her mother as she battled kidney and heart failure, dealt with dialysis, and fought an impossible battle with infected heart leaflets, causing her death in 2020.
The same wealth of knowledge helped her father overcome bladder cancer in 2021 and multiple bouts with kidney stones to survive and thrive even after losing his mate of 62 years.
When work or research don't consume Lynn's time, she loves to travel, read, swim, pet cats, or talk to parrots, who, unsurprisingly, often talk back. Patagonia has been calling Lynn as have New Zealand, Germany, Panama, Puerto Rico, Thailand, and Buenos Aires, not necessarily in that order.
Lynn holds a degree from the Colorado School of Mines in Chemical and Petroleum Refining Engineering, what most other engineering schools would call a Chemical Engineering degree. For nearly 33 years, she worked exclusively in the refining and chemicals industries coordinating with laboratory personnel to develop and coordinate customized equipment to perform specialized analyses.
Of those 33 years, Lynn was an independent consultant to the industries for 20 years, requiring her to write extensively during the preparation of client quotes and correspondence, the production of instrument manuals and training courses, and the coordination with ASTM committees on developing standards for testing.
While Lynn has worked with refinery clients extensively, she has also worked with clients in the fields of natural gas, biofuels, fermentation, atmospheric research, and calibration standards, requiring her to write for those industry segments, as well.
Lynn has written health, fitness, and wellness articles for clients. She's familiar with medical terminology and research methods and comfortable researching through NIH and other academic portals. Despite knowing the medical jargon, she tries to make it relatable to people who don't.
In part, Lynn's experience comes from more than a decade of caring for a terminally ill family member with complex conditions. She's learned to research conditions to find answers and learn questions to ask medical professionals.
In addition to a strictly scientific approach to medicine and wellness, Lynn has experience with alternative and complementary techniques, including Reiki, meridian work, massage, essential oils, aromatherapy, meditation, and visualization.
Lynn writes political content for clients focussing on issues, personalities, and current events. She's adept at finding and vetting sources, and she can write topics without any slant or according to the client's preferred viewpoint.
Lynn has a solid historical political grounding. She understands that many of today's issues have their roots in past decisions and policies going back to the founding of the US.
Lynn has written various articles about health, wellness, general science, technology, politics, medicine, and history using research to ensure quality content. In addition, she's written targeted product reviews and articles discussing financial strategies. She employs different styles and voices as requested by the client to suit the subject matter and audiences.