Blair specializes in writing SEO-friendly, shareable content that gets picked up by the media. Her most shared article was shared over 9000 times on social media.
She's written for Forbes, PR Daily, Elite Daily, The Atlanta Journal Constitution, and more. She writes primarily on business, marketing, psychology, and travel topics.
Blair specializes in writing SEO friendly, shareable content that gets picked up by the media. Her most shared article was shared over 9000 times on social media.
She's written for Forbes, PR Daily, Elite Daily, The Atlanta Journal Constitution and more. She writes primarily on business, marketing, psychology, and travel topics.
Blair specializes in writing SEO friendly, shareable content that gets picked up by the media. Her most shared article was shared over 9000 times on social media.
She's written for Forbes, PR Daily, Elite Daily, The Atlanta Journal Constitution and more. She writes primarily on business, marketing, psychology, and travel topics.
Blair specializes in writing SEO friendly, shareable content that gets picked up by the media. Her most shared article was shared over 9000 times on social media.
She's written for Forbes, PR Daily, Elite Daily, The Atlanta Journal Constitution and more. She writes primarily on business, marketing, psychology, and travel topics.
Blair specializes in writing SEO friendly, shareable content that gets picked up by the media. Her most shared article was shared over 9000 times on social media.
She's written for Forbes, PR Daily, Elite Daily, The Atlanta Journal Constitution and more. She writes primarily on business, marketing, psychology, and travel topics.
Blair specializes in writing SEO friendly, shareable content that gets picked up by the media. Her most shared article was shared over 9000 times on social media.
She's written for Forbes, PR Daily, Elite Daily, The Atlanta Journal Constitution and more. She writes primarily on business, marketing, psychology, and travel topics.
Blair has written hundreds of press releases over the past decade, and is familiar with press release format. Her press releases have been picked up at Yahoo News, Bloomberg, Business Insider, and more.