Micah cut his teeth in Hollywood and has been freelancing since 2020. Of course, among his specialties are scripts, but that goes far beyond the simple word "script." A feature film and television veteran, he also specializes in short-form stories that distill company and product themes and messages into stories that are sublimely evocative. These are stories that evoke both emotional and physical responses from viewers and readers. They range from short scripts, to articles, to pitches... anything that necessitates an economical, yet moving, touch.
Micah takes care to understand the mission and the finer points his clients are aiming to execute and articulate those into positive action for his clients.
The core motivator, the one that drives Micah through each and every project, is curiosity. A search for understanding leads to understanding, and that is what leads to effective copy. So if you were to ask Micah what he would say his interests were, his response would be simple: The World, and what makes it tick.
In three words: "it's all marketing."
It can be a hard lesson for some people to learn, but the truth is that successful stories, movies, shows, blogs, books, print ads, television ads, YouTube ads... all of it... they're all appealing to someone, some group of people who consume them. The best ones are entertaining and original as well.
Micah has learned that 'entertaining' and 'marketing' are not only not mutually exclusive, they're aspects of the same thing. His expertise lies in finding the needs of the client and weaving those into fun, evocative, and entertaining stories that can leave the audience with a lasting impression.
Micah spent well over a decade as a producer and development executive with an A-List production company. In that capacity, Micah led many teams in crafting story, theme, and content; fine-tuning his storytelling skills every day.
Since he started freelancing, Micah has specialized in crafting short-form scripts for brands, companies, and organizations that need to tell impactful stories in order to raise awareness and move viewers to action. These stories are distillations of core values and themes told in an entertaining and creative way. Not only do they contain the core messages that clients need to convey, they are evocative and entertaining.