Beth M
Writer #61218
Joined 2/8/2022
5 Star Rating
7,887 Projects
0 Endorsements
0 Elite Skills
Beth has written free-lance for companies ranging from Fortune 100 to venture-funded startups and SMBs since 1987 after leaving Apple Computer. Her marketing writing is particularly effective because of her prior sales background. She was a commissioned account representative for Xerox and Shearson Lehman American Express, and joined Apple's field sales organization prior to being transferred to Apple's higher education marketing team. Direct (not retail) sales experience informs her copy with the ability to communicate effectively with prospects and customers at any stage of the sales cycle.

Her writing work spans sales, marketing, thought leadership, PR, advertising, and brand development messaging and copywriting. She is currently editing a book on technology leadership for a private client.
Artificial Intelligence
Case Studies
Cloud Computing
Email Copy
18 More


Beth's favorite writing assignments are customer case studies. She has written hundreds for leading technology and cybersecurity clients.

Other specialties include long-form content, such as white papers and thought leadership articles.

Except for training curriculum and code, she's happy to write anything that a client requires. From event invitations, trade show descriptions, and social posts to webinar presentations, blog posts, landing pages, entire websites, and email campaigns—everything is a fresh challenge.


Her primary professional writing interests involve solving business challenges for clients. Non-writing interests include photography, renovation, gardening, and her ex-racehorse(s).


Ohio State University

Post-college education also includes:
• Xerox Sales and product training (SPIN)
• Financial Consultant sales training (Series 7; commodities license)
• Apple sales and product training
• Pilot's license single-engine land


800 Projects Completed

Most of Beth's technology clients are software providers to varying degrees. She has experience in writing about software products, as well as some experience in writing for clients who are open source platforms for DevOps customers.


800 Projects Completed

Beth currently works with—or has worked with—the world's leading cybersecurity solutions companies. The majority of her clients in this space are based in Israel, and she works directly with executives, product marketing managers, and the tech teams on projects requiring copywriting.


800 Projects Completed

From the earliest networking technologies (ATM, Frame Relay) through the evolution of packet-switched networking—Beth has written hundreds of pieces of content for the world's leading networking companies. She had written extensively for emerging mobile companies, as well as storage, SAN, and hyperconverged platform companies. She is currently editing a book for a 30+-year IT veteran on the development of leadership in IT organizations.


250 Projects Completed

If it has "aaS" in its name, Beth has written for it or about it. Cloud delivery of products and services has made "aaS' offerings ubiquitous. Assignments in the past two years have shifted from a focus on "aaS' to cloud or simply direct discussions of specific offering features and benefits.

Real Estate

250 Projects Completed

Real estate clients turn to Beth for creating website and other content. High-performing residential real estate agents hire her for their websites. She's written extensive advertising and agent recruiting campaigns for a billion-dollar west coast real estate agency that was acquired by Compass. She has extensive experience in writing for senior living properties, as well as real estate investment and management clients. She's also written sales content for real estate developers and their projects.

Cloud Computing

200 Projects Completed

Much of Beth's writing work in cloud computing involves securing assets and workloads in the cloud. However, cloud-based DevOps and clients' use of AWS, Azure, and other cloud platforms have been the topics of numerous projects.


150 Projects Completed

Beth has written on the topic of technology use and converged IT/OT environments for a range of clients. She also has interviewed numerous manufacturing customers of tech clients and worked on partner programs involving leading global manufacturing organizations.


60 Projects Completed

The most recent ecommerce writing assignments for Beth have focused on ecommerce fraud and fraud prevention techniques from point of sale through card approval and payment processing platforms.


60 Projects Completed

Banking and other financial services companies have relied on Beth to write their websites and top-drawer marketing pieces. Banking and finance clients include banks, credit unions, high net worth and wealth management firms, and currency trading platforms.


50 Projects Completed

Beth has written for clients involved in fintech from a number of different angles—cybersecurity, fraud prevention, and networking and infrastructure. Depending on the specific fintech platform and client requirements, she has related knowledge and experience.


40 Projects Completed

Healthcare writing has revolved around the use of various technologies in healthcare settings. Beth wrote a significant number of brochures and content for radiation oncology systems, mobile devices, networking, and software.

Non Profit

25 Projects Completed

Beth has written for various nonprofits spanning technology industry organizations, an urban bicycle program, a library, literary foundation, community foundations, Rebuilding Together, biotech entrepreneur incubator, alumni group, and the World Tomato Society.


20 Projects Completed

Beth has written "look books" and recruiting materials for institutions, including the Stanford MBA program, Pacific University's College of Health Sciences, University of Portland, and Shawnigan Lake School.

Artificial Intelligence

10 Projects Completed

AI is increasingly a component in many of Beth's clients' offerings. Discussion of AI and machine learning are part of her work in IoT, addressing cognitive disorders using robotics and AI, and numerous uses in data analytics across industries.


10 Projects Completed

Working with a west coast design firm, Beth has written advertising, marketing, and website copy for wineries, restaurants, and specialty food companies.


10 Projects Completed

Beth's science clients include an electron microscopy manufacturer (with divisions in life science, materials science, natural resources, and electronics manufacturing), lab certification and compliance consulting, and a biotech incubator. She has written everything from a complete brand/messaging refresh and related marketing communication materials to websites.


2 Projects Completed

Beth has developed the website, brand presence, and brand story for an emerging veterinary pharmaceutical company. The company is developing a medication that treats Chagas disease in dogs, as well as the extension of that formula for human treatment. The product is currently undergoing FDA approval.

Case Studies

1,000 Projects Completed

Beth has interviewed more than 1000 client customers and written case studies featuring customers' uses of technology and the business value achieved. Customers span every industry and include many leading global brands.


500 Projects Completed

Beth has written hundreds of product brochures, market brochures, solution briefs, corporate brand brochures, and others. Client industries include technology, mobile, cybersecurity, real estate, financial services, and others.

White Paper

500 Projects Completed

Beth has written hundreds of white papers covering everything from new technologies to market and brand positioning white papers. You name it, she can develop a white paper around it.

Blog Post

400 Projects Completed

Clients rely on Beth to write blog posts covering everything from new technology, awards and recognition, industry news, client successes, and many other topics. She writes posts on client's own sites as well as series of short posts for their LinkedIn presence.


400 Projects Completed

Beth has written speeches, video scripts, radio advertising scripts, FAQs, press releases, webinar scripts, and other types of corporate communications. These have not been a large focus of her business, but the pieces she has been asked to write were successful and well-received.


300 Projects Completed

Presentations really represent sales opportunities—whether the client is trying to "sell" a new market approach, a product, or a point of view. Beth has helped clients develop focused, logical presentations with copy for the presentation slides as well as full speaker notes scripts.


300 Projects Completed

Beth has ghost-written hundreds of contributed articles in conjunction with clients' public relations efforts. These articles are typically contributed to industry publications.

Web Page

300 Projects Completed

Beth's website copywriting experience is typically engaged at the beginning of the development of a new site or a site refresh. She has numerous examples of entire sites that she has directed content for—from overall concept, to content organization and writing all of the content (including the blog posts in some cases).

She also works with clients to update existing pages as needed or to write landing pages used for email campaigns.


250 Projects Completed

Beth has written advertising ranging from full-page print ads in leading consumer publications (Wine spectator) to banner ad campaigns for tech clients. Advertising copy is written in collaboration with design firms to achieve the best results.

Email Copy

200 Projects Completed

Beth has written numerous "drip" campaigns for clients focused on moving them to the next step of the sales cycle. She's also written many "one-off" emails for client projects, including event invitations, notifications of new content, announcements of new companies and new websites, and other topics.


200 Projects Completed

eBooks are the new brochures—Beth has written dozens of ebooks focusing on new approaches to solving business challenges, new products, emerging market opportunities, and other topics

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