Jenn has a breadth and depth of knowledge. Having worked in a variety of industries, she is conversant in finance, health, art and culture, travel, and education. As a high school English teacher, she is enthusiastic about language in all its forms, but also about pedagogy and policy. She incorporates her passion for well-being, mindfulness, and health into all aspects of her life. If pressed for a favorite, she will confess that her first love is travel. She has worked for two international airlines and a major travel agency, but it is because she has lived on three continents and traveled to numerous countries and U.S. states that she has an unquenchable desire to learn more about the other cultures. It was this passion that took her to education: to share the world with her students through the powerful beauty of words.
A major reason Jenn has had a diverse career path is that she has many interests and talents. If you've read her blurb for Specialties, you know she loves to travel. Because she was born with the love of words in her DNA, it naturally follows that she spends a good deal of time reading (fiction, nonfiction, journalism, poetry) and writing (fiction, narrative essays, your projects). But wait, that's not all. Jenn is super curious and reads articles about astrology, marine life, philosophy, and technology. Some of her current hobbies include photography, baking, journaling, and attempting to stay fit (walking, swimming, yoga); her past hobbies include SCUBA and dancing (jazz and Irish-step, a la Riverdance style). She enjoys going to museums, theaters, and cinemas. She is passionate about treating people and animals with respect and compassion. She is an introvert and highly sensitive person (HSP) so enjoys absorbing the quiet if she's had a hectic day.
Working with an agency, Jenn researched wrote about various topics related to addiction recovery. For the same agency, she researched and wrote for another client regarding medical cannabis and CBD.
As a travel and culture enthusiast, Jenn has written several personal narratives regarding her travels. Some have been published on BioStories and War, Literature and the Arts, as well as her personal blog.
An agency hired Jenn to ghostwrite short-form blogs for a boutique CBD shop in the midwest. The agency passed the desired topic to Jenn who researched and wrote the blogs.
This assignment started three months prior to the COVID-19 pandemic, which slowed business and ended the project.
As a National Geographic Certified Educator, Jenn wrote two articles for the National Geographic Education Blog. The article providing strategies for teaching introverted students generated comments and brought traffic to the National Geographic Education website.
Jenn has ghostwritten twenty tweets a day for a client; she wrote five tweets for four executives, allowing each of them to post three times a day and still have a cache of tweets. The challenge, and fun, of this assignment was capturing each executive’s voice and style in fewer than 280 characters to have room for shout-outs and hashtags.
Short-form or long, Jenn enjoys crafting a strong article. She has written articles for a variety of topics, from addiction recovery to the benefits of medical CBD. She can employ either rhetorical strategies or storytelling techniques, or both for a compelling narrative.
Whether you need a quick blast or a detailed post, Jenn has written blog posts that range from a quick one-minute read to a substantial five-minute text. She’ll work with you to decide if a formal or informal voice and style best appeal to your audience.
Jenn will use the slideshow software of your choice: PowerPoint, Keynote, Google Slides, or Prezi. If interactive slides appeal to you, Jenn has used PearDeck (works with Google Slides and PowerPoint) to create compelling lessons that teachers can use for whole-class instruction or assign for asynchronous work. If needed, Jenn will work with you to determine a compelling theme and color palette for your presentation.