His writing specialties include history, martial arts, poetry, archaeology, linguistics, political philosophy, aesthetics, and spirituality.
His personal interests include martial arts, archery, swordplay, metalsmithing, philology, mythology, history, fine arts, role-playing games, music, hiking, and poetry.
University education from a solid venerable Midwestern USA educational institution.
He has been involved in creating dozens of written works, both self-published and commercially published, for over 25 years.
He has written guest articles for various sites on topics including martial arts, history, and political philosophy.
He has written guest web blog posts for various sites on topics including martial arts, history, and political philosophy.
JH has twenty-five years of experience as a writer, both commercially published and self-published. His authorship ranges across history, martial arts, poetry, archaeology, linguistics, political philosophy, aesthetics, and spirituality. He has done significant work as both an editor and a translator. He also has a good sense of graphic design for the striking presentation of engaging written content. He knows how to properly function as part of a publishing team. He has satisfactorily completed all writing projects according to the standards of his clientele.