Dan has experience writing copy for a variety of niches and sectors, from home decor to business to health and wellbeing. He has written extensively for software companies looking to translate technical, jargon-filled information into content that is engaging, understandable, and appealing to the layperson.
Dan also writes about music and popular culture, and has contributed articles to publications like Vice, Clash Magazine, and more.
Dan enjoys writing about a multitude of topics, but is particularly interested in human interest stories, lifestyle topics, mental health, and entertainment. Whatever the topic, Dan enjoys finding the "hook" that makes it engaging to the reader.
Dan contributed extensively to the dating advice blog GoDates, where he used a combination of the client's requirements and his own experience and research to produce practical and beneficial dating advice for readers of various demographics. Most of these articles were ghostwritten, with two of them under Dan's own name. All articles were optimised to match the client's SEO requirements.
Dan has also contributed articles on mental health and writing to other sites.
Dan has written blog articles for various SaaS companies, and has received excellent feedback for his ability to translate technical and often jargon-heavy information into copy that is readable and informative to the layperson. For two of these companies, Dan worked as a member of staff in Sales and Marketing respectively, where he learned about the SaaS industry in general, as well as marketing skills.
Dan has contributed reviews of health supplements such as probiotics to sites such as ProbioticReviewGirl. These reviews were ghostwritten and from the perspective of the site owner. Dan used his research skills alongside the site owner's notes to create engaging product reviews that were fully optimised to the client's SEO requirements.
Dan has written a number of advertisements for his own freelance writing business and for other clients.