Kim G. specializes in academic writing, creative writing and content writing for websites.
He is especially proficient when it comes to subjects within the social sciences, pop culture and journalism.
From university, he has learned to properly research his material and edit his own work to a satisfactory level.
Kim G. is an avid reader and writer of topics such as psychology, philosophy, history, language, education, fiction and self-help books.
Armed with grammatics, literary studies and independent research work at an MA level from Roskilde University, Kim is a writer who takes initiative, ensures quality in his own work and remains flexible with tasks.
Besides being a great Fantasy and Science Fiction enthusiast, he also indulges in tabletop gaming, video gaming, martial arts, cycling and acting. These activities have helped shape him as a writer and a person, as someone deeply fascinated and interested with the potential of envisioning different worlds, delving deep into the human psyche and always ensuring that his writing is dynamic - just as life is.
Kim took a bachelor and master's degree in Roskilde University, a Danish university reputed for its independent group-based project work.
He split his academic terms between English courses and Philosophy courses. It has given him a broad understanding of the social sciences and allowed him to blend academic disciplines into interdisciplinary essays and theses.
Kim Gjersoe has ghostwritten multiple articles on artificial intelligence and machine learning, liaising between technology experts and journalists to create optimal content for internal use for SAS Institute.
Finished my bachelor's degree project and master's thesis on English and Philosophy. Academic papers now stored in Roskilde University's database.
Kim G. has been writing mutiple articles: Academic, journalistic and technical article writing. He is well-acquainted with proper research methodology.
Kim regularly writes on his own and has some training writing novels, as well as non-fiction books.
Kim is capable of writing scripts for video format (Youtube, online videos) and for cinematic purposes.