Andrea provides content writing services for both digital and traditional marketing endeavors. Some of the projects she offers are website text, blogging services, ghostwriting, copyediting, and press releases. For clients requiring more personal services or self-promotion, Andrea specializes in bios, memoirs, and speech writing designed to appeal to a particular audience or industry niche.
Andrea is passionate about telling a story, whether for industry leaders or for her own creative enjoyment. Particular industries she is interested in writing about are Holistic Healthcare, Nutrition, and Fitness, Travel and Entertainment, Self-Help, and Inspiration. In her spare time, Andrea loves to write fiction in the form of short stories and screenplays.
Currently, Andrea is working on a children's picture book that is part fictional and instructional about ocean ecology.
Content Marketing: Certified February 24, 2021
Email Marketing: Certified April 12, 2021
Andrea enrolled in courses for a BA degree in Communications from 1981 to 1984. Among the classes she was enrolled in were media related such as Journalism, Public Relations, Creative Writing and Television Production.
Andrea enrolled in a post-Bachelor's program to obtain her certification in teaching. She took courses that pertained to pedagogy, child development, classroom management, course development, and student teaching seminar (1998-2000)
As a member of two chambers, Andrea has volunteered on their marketing and events committees. She has performed writing tasks for email marketing, event creation, and press releases.
Andrea had written a series of blogs for a Wellness Coach relating to nutrition, fitness, and bodily care. In addition she contracted with an acupuncture specialist to interview and write testimonials from patients' experiences.
Andrea worked as a telemarketer for a major commercial custodial company. She made phone appointments for the sales team to pitch the company's janitorial services to local businesses. Other duties consisted of administrative functions such as mass mailings, maintaining customer and sales records via a CRM, and attending networking functions.
Andrea has written her own blogs for promotion of her content marketing business. On many of them she gives guidelines and tips for content marketing procedures and other writing. Some of the topics she has written about are blogging, press releases, email marketing, testimonials, and telemarketing. There are a few that are simply motivational and inspirational.
Andrea worked with a travel specialist to create a series of blogs about places to travel
As a post college graduate, Andrea worked as an Editorial Assistant for a major educational book publishing company.
During her years in business, she has contracted with 3 authors to edit and proofread their manuscripts.
Andrea generated content for websites for a plumbing and home improvement company.
Andrea was contracted by an author to edit and proofread her book about psychic ability.
Andrea was contracted by a residential realtor to write his professional bio
Andrea taught grades K through 3rd and possesses a elementary teacher's and English certification.
Andrea has done Facebook posting projects for both a paying client
and as a volunteer for a chamber of commerce. Andrea is adept at crafting teaser messages that lead to users clicking to the larger articles and events.
Andrea volunteers with her local chamber of commerce performing email marketing tasks through Constant Contact to promote business networking functions and events.
Andrea has written blogs to promote her business expertise, as well as for clients to impart value related to their business offerings. She has blogged on topics such as acupuncture, nutrition, bodily care, travel, content marketing, telemarketing, copywriting, and self-motivation.
Most of Andrea's contract work has encompassed blogging projects. Blogging is also her favorite form of writing because she enjoys telling peoples' stories, learning about new subjects, and conveying value through carefully crafted verbiage.
Andrea has done paid and volunteer work in crafting news releases for both private business and community endeavors.
Andrea has worked with a photographer, plumber, and handyman to write page content for new and existing websites. The content she generated consisted of product/service descriptions and professional bios.
Andrea has written professional bios for entrepreneurs and industry practitioners in fields such as healthcare, photography, business/life coaching, and real estate.
Andrea has performed editing and proofreading tasks on 3 authors' manuscripts. Topics were spirituality, self-help, and a memoir.
She worked with a prospective college student to help her write and edit her entrance essay.