Rain has nine years under her belt, working with industry professionals in Los Angeles and consulting with directors, producers, and writers on storytelling, narrative flow, character development, and dialogue in screenwriting and novel writing. Other specialties she focuses on are targeted content writing and copy editing.
In personal time, Rain enjoys hiking, traveling, and playing with her dogs. She is also an avid reader and lover of great movies and TV shows.
At the University of Arkansas at Little Rock, Rain earned a B.A. in English with honors where she excelled in literature studies.
At the University of Arkansas at Little Rock, Rain earned a B.A. in Spanish with honors where she excelled in literature studies.
At the University of New Mexico, Rain earned three years of graduate studies toward her M.A. and Ph.D. coursework.
Rain earned credits in graduate studies before a family tragedy put her on bereavement leave.
Rain has the background and skills to provide the highest quality for your academic needs.
Rain has the background and skills to provide the highest quality for your entertainment writing/consulting needs.
Rain has the background and skills to provide the highest quality for your legal writing needs.
Rain has the background and skills to provide the highest quality for your publishing needs.
Rain has the background and skills to provide the highest quality for your spiritual writing needs.
Rain has the background and skills to provide the highest quality for your needs regarding women's issues.
Rain has the background and skills to provide the best writing for your needs.
Rain has the background and skills to provide the best blog posts for your needs.
Rain has the background and skills to provide the best screenwriting for your needs.
Rain has the background and skills to provide the best presentation writing for your needs.
Rain has the background and skills to provide the best article writing for your needs.
Rain has the background and skills to provide the best resume writing for your needs.
Rain has the background and skills to provide the best brochure writing and design for your needs.
Rain has the background and skills to provide the best manuscript writing for your needs.
Rain has the background and skills to provide the best ebook writing for your needs.
Rain has the background and skills to provide the best newsletter content writing for your needs.
Rain has the background and skills to provide the best profile/bio writing for your needs.
Rain has the background and skills to provide the best press release writing for your needs.
Rain has the background and skills to provide the best speech writing for your needs.
Rain has the background and skills to provide the best product descriptions for your needs.
Rain has the background and skills to provide the best grant writing for your needs.