Robin specializes in writing and editing copy, as well as blogging and creating webpage content.
Robin is well versed in literature, philosophy, history, sports, and travel.
He was a waiter and busboy for the Nova Europa restaurant in Wheaton, Maryland.
He landscaped at the Manor Country Club during the summer of 2019. His job included maintaining the fairways and greens.
Pursuing an MA in Creative Writing at Queen’s University, Belfast
Mount St. Mary’s University, Class of 2020
Bachelor of Arts degree in English and Philosophy, a minor in History
Graduated Summa Cum Laude
Work Experience:
Landscaper at Manor Country Club, April - August of 2019
Waiter and Bus-boy at Nova Europa Restaurant, May - August of 2018
Intern at Lombardi Cancer Center, Georgetown University,
Mentor: Dr. Ayesha Shajahan
Reviewed and discussed research papers on breast cancer
Performed experiments in breast cancer cell lines
Attended brown bag seminars on Cancer Biology and Cancer Systems Biology
Finalist in the Virginia B. Ball Creative Writing Contest by Interlochen Arts Academy, 2014
Dean’s Scholarship at Mount St. Mary’s
Men’s Club Soccer at Mount St. Mary’s University
Lombardi Cancer Center, Georgetown University,
Mentor: Dr. Ayesha Shajahan
Reviewed and discussed research papers on breast cancer
Performed experiments in breast cancer cell lines
Attended brown bag seminars on Cancer Biology and Cancer Systems Biology
Teaching experience:
Preschool students attending Rockville High School Child Education Program, 2014-15
Lucy Barnsley and Meadow Hall Elementary School