Laura F
Writer #58552
Joined 6/18/2021
3 Star Rating
100% Success
546 Projects
0 Endorsements
0 Elite Skills
Laura is a writer. It is often said that to be a good writer one must write daily. This is true for Laura. Laura writes every day in a variety of ways. From business correspondence to creative writing and everything in between.

Laura's work experience lies predominantly in the fashion industry, corresponding with customers and suppliers. With COVID a lot less of this communication is face to face, rather Laura must rely heavily on email and, for a speedier response, instant messaging applications. In addition to this, Laura is a frequent user of translating applications as a result of having to correspond internationally in non-English speaking countries.

On a more personal level, Laura enjoys creative writing and has done so since school. Laura believes that every piece of writing requires a certain amount of creativity.
Data Sheet
Blog Post
Human Resources


Laura has extensive experience in the fashion industry on the backend of things. This includes Human Resources in a boutique environment. Laura has previously conducted basic training in the boating industry. Laura writes for fun in a writing group and on a recently revitalized blog.


Laura's interests are reading, writing, and baking, when Laura isn't climbing sand dunes or animal watching with her children.


Nelson Mandela University

Laura completed a 4-year degree in Human Resources and Industrial Psychology. Laura's final treatise, as part of a 3 man group project, discussed job satisfaction and swing shift work.


11 Projects Completed

Laura's fashion industry experience recently passed the 10 year mark. Laura handles the backend of things including Human Resources in a boutique and wholesale buying environment and every aspect that this may entail.

Human Resources

5 Projects Completed

Laura completed a 4-year degree in Humans Resources and Industrial Psychology. This experience allows Laura to comfortably understand and empathize with employees and employers, while handling all human resource related queries that may find their way on to a desk under Laura's purview.


5 Projects Completed

Laura recently revitalized a dusty blog. This blog is now used for book reviews. It is in the beginning stages and the path may veer off course slightly in the future.

Blog Post

471 Projects Completed

A recently revitalized blog reviewing children's books has provided the opportunity to buy more books and practice creative writing.


23 Projects Completed

Frequent correspondence with clients and suppliers nationally and internationally. With COVID a great deal is either on Whatapp or email meaning that communication needs to be clear and neutral.

Data Sheet

20 Projects Completed

A large amount of data needs to be handled weekly, and monthly. This includes both capturing, extraction, and report analysis. Examples include timesheets, sales, creditor and debtor analysis, and stocktakes.


8 Projects Completed

Training has been done in the past while employed in the boating industry. The level of education of the learners would have been between approximately Grade 7 and Grade 12. In the specific country of residence, it would have fallen under the category of ABET - Adult Basic Education and Training.


3 Projects Completed

On several occasions, an opportunity has been provided for writing "employment offered" adverts.

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