Nancy specializes in press releases, public service announcements, news, advertising, obituaries, product descriptions, blogs, and articles.
Nancy's interests lie in her family, friends and nature. She is a gentle soul with a love for animals and the less fortunate. Like most writers, she enjoys reading. She enjoys her four grandchildren immensely.
She is a perfectionist and has a good compass on what is important in writing, and in life. She literally would not harm a fly, and has an interest in organics and a healthy lifestyle.
Nancy has a high school diploma after taking courses in business and short-hand. She immediately went on to work work for a publisher of church directories as an editor, and then on to the FBI before beginning her career in various media.
Nancy's years of working with classified advertising along with the advertisers who use them, has given her many opportunities to work with real estate agents and FSBO clients. This experience has led to her to creating descriptive advertising for their properties. Her online content experience has put her in a position of providing website content for real estate websites as well. From classified ads, webpages, and blogs, Nancy can assist you with your real estate copy needs.
Nancy's interest in natural health has impacted her business and personal life. She has written articles on organic and natural health remedies, as well as blogs on natural products. While not a health "nut" Nancy is conscience of the benefits of natural remedies versus chemical solutions. She is also an avid cyclist.
Nancy has spent her entire life around the various, and ever changing forms of marketing. Newsprint, radio, cable, flyers, television, online video, online news websites, billboards and every form of hand-out one can imagine. She understands that all forms of marketing/advertising work if they are used properly. She also understands we are in a new era of marketing, where content providers are being held more accountable for results. Need marketing help, ideas, or content? Nancy Z. is your source.
Content marketing has become particularly important in the insurance industry. Nancy has helped local and regional insurance companies by providing unique copy related not only to various loss-prevention products, but also with blogs and content regarding agency's marketing areas. This positions them as involved in their community, while sharing information about what is happening in their own backyard. If you are in search of unique content for your insurance office, send Nancy a Writer Access "Solo" order or include her on your "Love List" today!
Everyone is an expert on food, right? Well, Nancy has created articles and blogs on wide-ranging food related topics. She has written on recipes, benefits of organics, avoiding processed foods, eating more alkaline foods, and even articles on growing your own vegetables. Some of her articles have included scientific nutritional information and others have been down to earth. She is familiar with vegetarian diets and those available for the ones who have dietary restrictions. Add Nancy to food related "Love List" today!
Nancy has spent a lot of time exploring the U.S. from Maine to California, from Utah to Florida, most of it via the highways. She has been fortunate to see the country on an eye to eye basis, standing in front of Devils Tower, and sitting next to The Green Monster. She has played the slots in Vegas and has eaten Chicago hot dogs in the Windy City. She has lived in the Nation's Capital and lived in the nation's Bratwurst Capital. She has been atop the Arch in St. Louis and stood on the edge of Niagara Falls. If your travel project involves the United States, Nancy has probably been there. Hire her for you copywriting project.
Nancy enjoys writing about entertainment whether the stage is big or small. She has written public service announcements for local productions and has created blogs and articles about the lifestyles of the rich and famous. When writing in this area, she takes the time to reflect on the reader's mindset and the client's goals. Contact Nancy for your entertainment writing projects.
Nancy is an animal lover who respects all living things. She has had experience writing about various breeds of dogs and cats, unique pet toys, and even natural and organic pet foods. Her work has included articles on pet grooming and boarding, and the latest movements to 24/7 emergency pet care and pet insurance. If you have a pet related project that could benefit from a writer who cares about the subject, hire Nancy Z.
Nancy's involvement in a web development company has given her the opportunity to create web pages for entire websites. She has also created blogs and completed an almost uncountable number of content marketing pieces. If you are looking for a consistent "voice" for your web development project, contact Nancy.
Nancy has worked with a variety of non-profits including the American Cancer Society, Humane Society, The Salvation Army, Goodwill Industries, non-profit community radio, as well as dozens of churches, food banks, and civic organizations. She has assisted in raising funds, promoting awareness, and composing news releases and public service announcements for events related to these organizations. Her work with online community portal sites has given her tremendous experience in online editing and proof-reading of submitted public service and calendar announcements for non-profit organizations.
Nancy regularly uses her bicycle and walks on the beach to keep her in touch with nature. She has had the privilege of whitewater rafting with her two children, camping with her granddaughter, and continues to enjoy the outdoors daily with her husband. If you are looking for someone who appreciates and participates in outdoor recreation, Nancy is your option.
People have varying degrees of interest in fitness. They range from the dedicated tri-athletes to the mom trying to lose a few pounds. Nancy can deliver fitness related content targeted to your particular market. Nancy loves to cycle and has been involved with rides up to 70 miles in a single day. She recognizes though, many more cyclists are comfortable experiencing rides of several miles. It is that empathy that helps her create powerful copy that can reach your market. Contact her for your next fitness writing project.
Nancy lives what she believes. Recycling, organics, wheat grass, and natural products are a part of her life. If you are looking for someone who understands that natural products far exceed the value of man-made products, Nancy could be your voice. She is not a candidate to write articles and blogs for big pharmaceutical companies.
People who are looking for craft information have unique mindsets. They are generally not afraid to try something new, they enjoy working with their hands, are creative and they really enjoy a completed project that turns our well. Nancy has written about many such projects from crafty uses of plastic grocery bags to holiday ideas. She is somewhat crafty herself, having taught herself how to knit and crochet.
Nancy uses a fair amount of green strategies around her own home and uses green products as much as possible. She has gone so far as to make her own bio-degradable laundry detergent and organic bug spray. For most people, buying green products is making a better choice; a more energy efficient light bulb, chemical free drain cleaners, or safer pesticides. Nancy is a believer in the green movement, and is experienced in writing about products that are pro-environment. After all, who wants to consider themselves as anti-environment?
Nancy has been a part of a website construction organization, and has been exposed to search marketing tactics, including titles, Meta titles, keywords and best practices to maximize SEO. Search engine optimization is a moving target, but Nancy can help you with the most important aspect of it. Fresh and relevant content!
Nancy's views on nutrition, while not radical, are certainly opinionated. She believes we rely far too much on processed foods that are chemically and preservative laden. She is a believer in natural and organic foods and supplements and avoids fast foods. She believes there is a misuse of sugars and salts in our diets. Perhaps most importantly, she understands we must stop ingesting empty calories that fill us, but don't provide the needed nutrients. If you are looking for nutritional blogs or articles that reflect these viewpoints, hire Nancy today.
Nancy has been able to help local politicians and political organizations progress their cause through writing. This includes political marketing materials, broadcast copy, and imaging materials. On a local level, aggressive, negative political advertising can backfire. Nancy knows how far that edge can be pushed.
Need compelling content for your website? Want to increase the odds of turning visitors into customers? Nancy can help. Nancy has over ten years of experience developing web content including web pages. Provide the appropriate key words and phrases and increase the odds of visibility of your website. Large or small, Nancy will make sure your site has a consistent voice page after page. Contact her today for arrange details and deadlines for your web pages.
Nancy will deliver the personal touch you need in your blog to position you as the expert in your industry. She has the ability to make even the most challenging subjects easy to relate to, offering readers actionable ideas and concepts. Nancy spends a great deal of time on the Writer Access platform and can keep your blog posts fresh on a regular basis. Put in a recurring order for your blog posts with Nancy as your "Solo" writer and keep your content relevant and unique!
Nancy has written product descriptions for office equipment, school supplies, jewelry, industrial products and much more. She understands that product descriptions need to be unique and create a desire to purchase. Her product descriptions not only vividly paint a picture of products, but include benefits to the purchaser.
Nancy has written and rewritten countless articles for online content. Articles are an important way to push a movement forward, and Nancy can assist you with well-researched and documented articles.
With creative effective email copy, you don't have the luxury of time. Copy must be compelling yet direct. Subject lines needs to be enticing and your end goal must be precise. Nancy has written over 100 email letters and marketing copy designed to increase open rates and conversions. Of course, the better your list, the better your odds of success, but Nancy's efforts can also increase the odds of that success. Contact Nancy and let's create an email campaign that will work for you!
Nancy has composed press releases for a diverse selection of companies ranging from medical to family entertainment. There are very specific tactics used to increase the odds of getting a press release published and Nancy has the experience to get the job done. Take advantage of this low cost way to gain additional exposure for your company or project. Hire Nancy and get a press release of value.
It is said radio is theater of the mind. Terrific radio copy paints a picture, brings a smile and most importantly, will bring results. Nancy writes radio copy that comes with specific voice delivery, inflection, sound effect and background music instructions to maximize impact. If you are looking for a radio spot or a full radio campaign, contact Nancy for specific pricing on your radio ad project.
Direct mail pieces are still very effective in many business applications. The challenge is the expense. That is why it is SO important your direct mail copy is professionally designed to get results. You have limited time to get and keep attention with a direct mail piece. The time from mailbox to trash can be frighteningly quick. Nancy can assist you in creating direct mail copy that gets attention and response. Contact Nancy for special pricing on direct mail concepts and copy. Increase your odds of success with direct mail copy that works from Nancy Z.