Victor has a range of writing expertise in designated fields such as blog writing, news journalism, editorials, biography writing, editing, content marketing, interviewing sources, and much more.
Victor is particularly skilled at interviewing sources in-person, video-chat, over-the-phone, through email, etc. in his warm, calm, prepared, and conversational style. Sources always feel empowered to express their opinions and ideas about any subject matter.
Victor also has an extensive vocabulary and uses active voice to drive home his points. All words used in his articles carry their weight. With Victor's writing expertise and his creative style, any content requests from him will be met with professionalism, poise, and an easy-to-read style that makes use of every word.
Yes, that means you will get no fluff with Victor! He has an excellent writer's intuition. He can pinpoint when useful information needs to be included or target useless information that needs to be taken out. He knows your objective as a client is to provide your readers with interesting and informative content. You can rest assured his work will never be boring or filled with fluff.
Victor champions SEO strategies that work to entice the reader rather than appear forced. He knows that the Google search algorithm encourages quality writing, not overuse of primary and secondary keywords meant to hijack website authority where it isn't deserved. Victor will provide clients with blog posts, landing pages, etc, that are not only quality-oriented, but ethically sound.
Victor has a wide range of interests, but he has condensed his interests into 4 categories. Contained within each category is a list of possible article titles that would posit the most interest to him.
Why a Full-time Job Should Always Be Temporary
Do You Need Marketing Skills to Succeed as an Entrepreneur?
What Is Freelance Content Writing? Best Ways to get Started?
Why You Should Always Have a Budget Plan
The Best Books to Buy On Entrepreneurship
Internal Locus of Control Versus External Locus of Control
Entrepreneurs Are Goal-Setters!
Getting Out of the Consumer Mindset
Listen to What Achievers Say, Not What the Naysayers Say
Measure Your Success By Time, Not Money
Don't Do What You Love. Love the Value You Create
How to overcome Imposter Syndrome
Why You Should Stop Planning and Start Doing
Education Happens After College
Stop Meditating to Reduce Stress
Common Misperceptions About Meditation
The Difference Between Self-Hypnosis and Mindfulness
Billionaires Who Meditate
How Meditation Can Change Your Life
Headspace Versus Calm - Which Is Better?
The Science Behind Meditation
And More...
Narcissism and Cults
How to Be a Survivor, Not a Victim
Pyramid Schemes Are a Form of Narcissistic Abuse
Narcissistic Abusers Are Like Cult Leaders
Covert Narcissism Versus Overt Narcissism - The Difference?
Are You a Parentified Child?
MGTOW Versus Radical Feminists - Both Cults?
Using Your Gut Instinct to Spot a Narcissist
Why the Narcissist Is Always Right
Narcissists Eat, Sleep and Breath Black and White Thinking
What Happens When You Tell a Narcissist They're a Narcissist?
Why You Should Avoid Multilevel Marketing Like the Plague
Digital Minimalism
The Dangers of Social Media Addiction
The Benefits of Active Leisure
Abrahalm Lincoln Was a Digital Minimalist
Review of Cal Newport's "Digital Minimalism"
How to Declutter Your iPhone
Should You Delete All Your Social Media Apps?
How to be More Intentional With Digital Media Technology
Why You Have to Get Over FOMO Now!
Stop Documenting Your Life
Why Time Is Your Most Valuable Resource
Stop texting, Start Calling
5 Great Digital Minimalist Youtube Channels
Victor has written many different blog posts relating to business initiatives under subtopics such as:
What is a Certified StoryBrand Guide and How Can I Become One?
9 Benefits of Hiring an Online Business Coach
And many more...
Victor has taken an interest in writing for blogs in industries such as the Mindfulness industry, meditation, religious studies, etc.
Victor has written comprehensive recipes and nutrition articles for the company Assuaged.
Victor has written articles for several gambling companies as a ghostwriter.
Victor has written several blog posts relating to insurance as a ghostwriter.
Victor has written several blog posts about CBD products and the CBD industry.
Victor has written articles about margaritas as a ghostwriter.
Victor has written several blog posts relating to electronics as a ghostwriter.
Victor has written several articles about pets as a ghost writer.
Victor has written several political blog posts on websites like Medium and Linkedin.
Victor has written articles about insurance and financial independence
Victor has written articles about electromagnetic interference experienced by medical devices across the board due to a shift from analog to wifi compatible devices.
Victor has written articles relating to the ECommerce industry as a ghostwriter.
Victor has written car reviews, engine repair blogs, etc. while working as a ghostwriter.
Victor has written high-quality blog posts for dozens of clients.
Victor wrote three extensive biographies for Buffalo Music Hall of Fame (BMFOH) inductees Philip Burke, FARE Trade, and the Buffalo Choral Art's Society. He formed strong relationships with the inductees and worked closely with them to write thoroughly researched and well-written biographies that they were pleased with. He attended the BMFOF induction ceremony with his editor Elmer Ploetz at the Buffalo History Museum and he operated the video and photo cameras during the film-shooting.