Joseph's specialties include History, both American and European; as well as Classical History, Art History, and Architectural History. He has also practiced law and can write competently on legal matters. He can write on politics, especially political philosophy, and constitutional theory, as well as on some economic or business-related topics. He has also written some pieces for his hobby interests, which are board and miniature wargaming, and roleplaying games.
Joseph is interested in History, Politics, Art and Architecture, and Economics. He is also interested in wargaming in nearly all of its facets, including board games, miniature wargames, and roleplaying games.
Joseph practiced law for many years in his own office. His practice was of a general nature and he has extensive experience in both civil and criminal work, as well as in real estate transactions and bankruptcy. He has drafted many briefs and pleadings, and other miscellaneous court documents for a wide range of clients.
Joseph has extensive experience teaching both American History and the Western Civilization survey at the university and community college levels. He has drafted numerous syllabi and lesson plans.
Joseph has published two roleplaying scenarios for Chaosium's Call of Cthulhu roleplaying game, in response to their annual contest. He has also written articles reviewing games for Antiqvvs Magazine.
Joseph is the Americas correspondent for Antiqvvs Magazine, a British publication specializing in Classical Art, History, and Archaeology. He has also published a number of book reviews and articles for a general audience, as well as a number of encyclopedia entries on military history