Crafting, cooking, outdoors, environment, education.
In addition to her professional credentials, Jessica is also an experienced musician.
Southall also has experience with environmental non-profit organizations, and has written environmental materials on a volunteer basis.
At West Virginia University, Jessica was a member of Sigma Tau Delta, the English honor society. She was published in Calliope, the English department's literary journal. Southall also participated in the McNair Scholars program as a paid research intern, writing a graduate-level paper and honing her research skills with faculty supervision.
Jessica has maintained a 4.0 GPA during her time at the University of South Florida. Due to her academic achievements, she has been honored to be a member of the Suncoast Area Teacher Training Honors program. Her technological proficiency has also gained her the honor of being selected as one of only two students from her department to participate in the College of Education's iTeach program, which provides intensive workshop training in technology for educational professions.
Jessica has written Web content articles in the field of education for major Web content producers online. Her primary areas of expertise are: educational policy, teacher certification, and literacy. Jessica has the most experience with the adolescent age group, including experience in the classroom.
Jessica has supplied clients with appropriate headlines and keyword-based content for their blogs, according to their writing specifications.