Jay W
Writer #5125
Joined 4/19/2012
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10 Projects
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Jay W earned a Bachelor's degree in Marketing, plus a double Minor in English and Communications, at Virginia Tech. During his poetry and film classes, Jay began to find he had a literary voice. Working that strength into his business writing, public speaking and advertising presentations, Jay rocketed to the top of his graduating Marketing class. Yet his suppressed and burning passion for filmmaking and directing could no longer be contained. Tossing suit and tie aside, he cleared a path to Hollywood, and started at the bottom of the dog pile as a production assistant and on set gopher in Los Angeles, CA.

Immersed in the backdrop of a fantasy production machine, he became a student of an intricate network of a filmmaking brain center. Jay began reading and summarizing scripts, and tagging along with professional camera men, art directors, prop makers, and actors, and became involved in acting workshops that led to auditioning for commercials. These experiences resulted in a realization that every single production begins with well-crafted, written work. Jay immediately set to scribbling dialogue on call sheets, which became notebook papers, and eventually rough drafts. He wrote his first screenplay for the producers of an international, direct-to-DVD, low budget, science fiction film. Although he was too late to the funding, he kept the faith of momentum and began writing an episode for a TV series while working in the art department as a freelancer.

With the rise of the internet, Jay found work with a remote, live, webcasting company while experimenting with a public access show. Over time, this day job turned into a legal video career and his side project morphed into a radio show on Sunset Boulevard. But with the growth of a new family, life turned more towards career, and the writing went from the backseat to the trunk.

Now, ten years later, after a long, hard run in the legal video business, he's come back to his roots. After six months as an SEO writer for a search engine optimization company in Missouri, his typing speed is the best it's ever been, his creative writing juice is at a steady pulse, and he's ready to write for you!
Search Marketing


With the genetics of business rooted deep in family history, Jay displays a keen ability of passionate business writing. He consistently churns out letters and statements, laced with fact and blaring future consequence, for the purpose of great change and redirection of action. Jay also loves to map out character conversation in the form of screenplay, for it is the unpredictable dance of dialogue that makes capturing life on paper so rewarding to the actor. Even though writing poetry puts people to sleep at the letter 'p,' Jay cannot help but keep on doing it, for it's just too much fun and unavoidable to stop. But if the world were perfect, and life needed no money, then he would probably find his destiny on stage with a microphone, tapping into his stream of consciousness that runs rampant with no boundaries.


Always interested in making music, Jay began playing saxophone in middle school and continued to play in his college marching band. Yet by his sophomore year, becoming heavily influenced by Bob Dylan and The Doors, Jay turned to writing poetry, logging his dreams and trying to be a lead singer in various, student rock bands. None of those bands stayed together, but he found an intense interest in extra terrestrials, learning acoustic guitar and writing satirical songs. And after years of avoiding it, Jay is now reading The Bible and incorporating a spiritual message into his universal lexicon.


Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University (Virginia Tech)

Jay entered college with a possibility of choosing architecture or engineering as a Major, and business as a definite backup solution. Virginia Tech offered both of those options, and it afforded Jay’s father an in-state tuition plan. Jay’s freshman year was not very productive on paper, but two great things happened to boost his self-confidence. First, he clepped out of an entire semester of English without even trying. Second, in the advanced English class where he was placed, he had the option of creating any work of composition for additional credit, so Jay wrote his first poetry book. While it may not have been a ‘critic's choice,’ his tagline actually comes from that book. Then, the next year marked the beginning of his filmmaking journey that defined the next ten years of his life. But by the end of Jay’s sophomore year, a counselor sat him down and gave him an ultimatum - either choose a major offered by the university or leave. Therefore, Jay carefully narrowed down the list until Marketing was the only reasonable fit. While it was the best choice for Jay, it was not what he wanted to do for the rest of his life. So, Jay consciously spent the next two years working very hard to make excellent grades to ultimately be accepted into a coveted, California film school. That was the plan and the motivation played out wonderfully - his business professors truly appreciated his special communicative and analytical qualities. He received many glowing letters of recommendation and that Spring he would begin the application process. On graduation day, he was excited and curious, as anyone would be, when the glass is half full, or maybe, only half empty.


3 Projects Completed

Working as a prop guy, rummaging through Hollywood prop houses, running smoke machines on set, watching carpenters build flats and the actors blocking their marks, and seeing the cinematographer creep slowly backward while mimicking the motion of the dolly, Jay couldn't stop thinking of what he would do if this was his movie. That day he began writing a feature film named "Shredders," for the purpose of meeting with the line producer. The pitch was a flop, but Jay found a real passion for crafting dialogue. During his next job on a police drama series, he tried writing his own episode.

Search Marketing

3 Projects Completed

While transitioning from classic, Hollywood filmmaking to live, internet video production, Jay found work with a website entrepreneur focused on selling online marketing services to local companies seeking national sales. Initially cold calling, Jay quickly converted a few leads into clients seeking website development and content creation.

After working in legal video for nearly a decade, Jay found a new opportunity as an SEO writer. His job requirements included niche keyword development, user keyphrase research, content creation and daily blogging. Working in a small company, it became routine to check with Jay regarding new ideas and creative ad campaign concepts before moving forward.


4 Projects Completed

Jay was recently hired to create a series of original articles for an online, marketing startup business. The purpose of these articles is to generate traffic to the website and maintain the interest of visitors with relevant topics and free information. Jay decided to write about how the internet can be helpful to users, rather than intimidating them.

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