With her background in media, communications and marketing, Jess specializes in delivering brand identities to the public in the most engaging formats. She is equipped to express company voices of on a number of levels and takes a scaffold approach to marketing; marketing directed at the public, marketing directed at the target market, marketing directed at competition, and marketing directed at partners and investors. Each of these approaches present different requirements, and Jess prides herself on her ability to manipulate the written form to hit each of those targets, every time.
Furthermore, she specializes in creative and educational writing, which an aim to deliver complex ideas in concise and relatable texts, or poignant and metaphorical prose. She is highly skilled at grasping unfamiliar concepts through research, and focusing that content for her readers.
When Jess isn’t working, she often feels like she should be, which has led her to a habit of taking online course after online course in order to elevate her craft. She is a film enthusiast, with particular interest in crime, science fiction, horror, and biography genres. She is book lover, and can often be found burrowing in blankets with her fluffy white cat, Tofu, nose pressed to page. Bread baking, cooking, book binding, and surfing are just some of the things that Jess gets up to on the weekend. She also plays the guitar, and cannot refuse a whiskey on the rocks. She is passionate about living gently, and actively works to minimize waste and harmful diet and lifestyle practices.
Jess throws herself into her hobbies as much as she does into her work, and tends to have extensive working knowledge on the things that she is interested in- which only adds to the repertoire of subjects she is equipped to write about.
Jess holds an Bachelor of Arts degree in Media, Communications, and Culture.
Majors: Video Production and Philosophy
Jess holds an honors degree from Nelson Mandela University.
Thesis Title: "The Home Movie as a Nostalgic Autoethnography"
Jess is currently writing up her MA (Media Studies) thesis.
Thesis title: "Recherche Science Fiction: Absurd Realism in the Fourth Industrial Revolution"
Jess is well trained in education. Having worked as a lecturer and holding a TEFL, Jess has taken to exploring teaching and learning styles and educational structures. She is well equipped to write for the education sector and, even better, she enjoys it.
Screenwriting and Videography have been the cornerstone of Jess’s academic and professional careers. She holds degrees in media and film studies, has worked as a Screenwriter, and has gone on to lecture Screenwriting and Film Editing at a top ranking tertiary film school, AFDA. Jess’s screenplays are engaging, meticulously formatted, and are professionally formulated for effective narrative flow and audience engagement.
Jess has spent many years studying the entertainment industry, and has a thorough understanding of the types of narratives, themes, and story structures that engage audiences. She also has experience in film analysis and film critique, and enjoys writing think pieces relating to film and television. Popular culture is extremely important to Jess, and writing about it one of her greatest passions.
With her background in media, communications and marketing, Jess specializes in delivering brand identities to the public in the most engaging formats. She is equipped to express company voices of on a number of levels and takes a scaffold approach to marketing; marketing directed at the public, marketing directed at the target market, marketing directed at competition, and marketing directed at partners and investors. Each of these approaches present different requirements, and Jess prides herself on her ability to manipulate the written form to hit each of those targets, every time.
When it comes to blogging, Jess is well trained in a variety of styles. Whether you are looking for quirky, comedic, inspirational, motivational, or technical, Jess is well versed in adjusting tone and content to meet your needs. Furthermore, her experience in marketing has given her insight into the kinds of blog posts that attract audiences in a number of different industries, including car sales, hospitality, education, and food.
Jess has an extensive academic background in media and communications, and presents stories in engaging, impactful language that grips the attention of the audience. Jess is skilled at presenting information in clear and concise structure, but it is her ability to speak to an audience’s sensibilities that engrosses her readers, every time, without fail.
Jess has been responsible for a number of press releases for product launches, film festivals, company start-ups, staff achievements, and business expansions. She is extremely familiar with this writing format and understands how to structure information in order to optimize market engagement.
Screenwriting and Videography have been the cornerstone of Jess’s academic and professional careers. Jess holds degrees in media and film studies, has worked as a Screenwriter, and has gone on to lecture Screenwriting and Film Editing at a top ranking tertiary film school, AFDA. Jess’s screenplays are engaging, meticulously formatted, and are professionally formulated for effective narrative flow and audience engagement.
Jess has extensive experience working in social media marketing, and is trained in gearing social media posts for optimum audience engagement. Her writing is impactful, quirky, and attention grabbing. She has a talent for stopping scrollers in their tracks, and creating content that promotes engagement.
Jess has extensive experience working in social media marketing, and is trained in gearing social media posts for optimum audience engagement. Her writing is impactful, quirky, and attention grabbing. She has a talent for stopping scrollers in their tracks, and creating content that promotes engagement.
Jess has a way with words, or so people tell her. Her ability to identify beauty and practicality, coupled with her deep understanding of target markets, produces product descriptions that are concise, informative, and positively tempting.
After obtaining degrees in Media and Communications, Jess went on to work in social media marketing as a Videographer and Editor. During her time in this position, she also spearheaded the company’s first Writer’s Room, and was responsible for facilitating the development of advertising campaigns for a number of local and international clients. Furthermore, Jess has done freelance social media marketing work for start-ups. Jess’s has a scaffold approach to marketing, and ensures that the brand identity is pointed and well presented on a number of engagement levels (the public, the target audience, the competition, stakeholders/investors)
Jess has written staff bios for every company she has worked at, on request. In the same way that she understands how to use language to sell products and brand identities, Jess is exceptionally skilled at making people look their best. She knows how draw on the small details of a person’s character in order to emphasize their value and create a sense of familiarity.
Jess has worked on a number of books of her own, and has edited the works of colleagues and friends. This is a field in which her experience is limited, but her passion overflows.