Frank J has writing specialties which include technology, security, food, travel, and photography. Additionally, he has worked on projects ranging from 50 product descriptions to 2,500 word white papers - not to mention his academic thesis!
Frank J is interested in exploring cultures, cuisines, and countries around the globe. He is an active member of multiple groups on Meet Up and Couchsurfing.org. He has first-hand experience with inter-cultural communications, digital photography, and travel writing.
He is proficient in a verity of software applications including: full MS Office suite (Word, Excel, PowerPoint, Publisher, Access), OpenOffice suite, LibreOffice suite, MS Works suite, Windows, Ubuntu Linux, Mac, Android, 7-Zip, Dreamweaver, Kompozer, Nvu, [R], STATA, LISREL, LaTeX, JabRef, Photoshop, Gimp, Joomla!, HTML, CSS, Google Docs, WordPress, CPanel, Facebook, Twitter, Skype, RSS reader, Ad Sense, Analytics, vtigerCRM, MediaWiki, WikkaWiki, and many others.
Frank J traveled to Europe and studied in Barcelona as part of his program in transatlantic political science with the University of North Carolina in Chapel Hill.
Frank J studied political science and philosophy at the University of North Carolina in Asheville.
Frank J studied a wide variety of topics as a student of AB Tech in Asheville, NC before finally completing a transfer program and earning a degree.
Frank J studied electrical engineering technology and computer science at Western Carolina University before returning to AB Tech and completing a two-year transfer program.
Being a computer technician has Frank J working with high-tech devices regularly. As such, he often share tips and tricks through his high-tech articles. These include reviews of new operating systems, tablets, and phones. As well as suggestions on how to reuse and re-purpose old technology.
Frank J has written on a variety of software topics. However, he tends to focus on open source operating systems and applications. He has written extensively on topics covering Ubuntu, OpenOffice.org, Libre Office, Gimp, and many other open source programs.
Frank J has written about consumer electronics for several blogs and other content publishing platforms. He has always been the type of person who likes taking things apart and seeing how they work. Through articles about consumer electronics, he can share his experience with a variety of products.
Writing articles about hardware comes easy to Frank J because he has worked in computer repair since 1995. He has written many, many articles about various hardware components. These appear on his own blog as well as several other websites across the web.
As a graduate student of transatlantic political science, Frank J traveled and studied in Europe for six months. While there, he wrote a verity of articles about the places he went and the things he saw. Although a picture is worth a thousand words, often the right words can can help a reader experience a place better than any picture.
Frank J has written a variety of articles about personal finance for a blog based in Raleigh, NC. During this time he has also worked to improve his own credit score while sharing his successes with readers. Personal finance is a commonly confusing topic and Frank J enjoys helping readers to make better financial decisions.
Travel and food, for Frank J, go hand in hand. During his travels, he has written a collection of articles about places he has dined and foods he enjoyed. Frank J feels there is something special about sharing a meal with someone, whether it's done in a restaurant or in writing.
Being a political science scholar, the vast majority of Frank J's writing in the area of politics has been for academic credit. However, he has recently begun to expand his professional writing into this area as well.
This writer does not have any industry experience listed on their profile.