Elizabeth S
Writer #49149
Joined 4/16/2020
3 Star Rating
706 Projects
0 Endorsements
0 Elite Skills
Elizabeth has a degree in English from Colorado State University where her concentration was Creative Writing. For three years of undergrad (sophomore to senior) she worked as an Editor for a university publication called The Journal of Undergraduate Research and Scholarly Excellence.
After graduation, her love of reading and writing persisted and she has continued to write for magazines and websites in her pursuit to live on the beach and become a full-time writer.
Blog Post
10 More


Elizabeth specializes in technical science writing, yoga, and screenwriting.


Elizabeth is interested in everything, literally. In her spare time, she reads books about anything from quantum mechanics to dinosaurs to modern China.
A lifelong learner, she loves nothing more than to dive in to a fresh topic she knows nothing about to quickly gain deep conversational knowledge about the topic.


Colorado State University

BA in English with concentrations in Writing and Creative Writing and a minor in Philosophy.


100 Projects Completed

Sass is Elizabeth's specialty. The most common compliment that she receives about her writing is that her voice is very strong, creating an engaging tone even for mundane subject matter.


100 Projects Completed

Elizabeth has done a plethora of social media marketing.


100 Projects Completed

Elizabeth's life is centered around yoga, so naturally she often has opportunities to write about the subject. She has been featured in fitness magazines and also written plenty of social media and website content regarding yoga and fitness.


50 Projects Completed

Elizabeth is immersed in the field of publishing on many levels. She regularly submits her own work to literary journals, magazines, and contests. She is occasionally successful in these ventures.
She also works as a freelance editor for both traditional publishing companies and self-published authors.


15 Projects Completed

Elizabeth has written blog posts about food and (on one occasion) about the secrets to creating the perfect Bloody Mary.


15 Projects Completed

Elizabeth is originally from Colorado, so skiing, hiking, and rock climbing are in her blood. She lives an active lifestyle and loves when she has the opportunity to write about it.


10 Projects Completed

Elizabeth is a very crafty and artistic person and is also very science minded when it comes to procedure, so she has no trouble writing clear how-tos for craft projects.


5 Projects Completed

Elizabeth has completed blog posts for industries in the medical field and has also written extensively about yoga from a medical perspective.


5 Projects Completed

Elizabeth also utilizes AutoCAD and Revit for architectural drafting as her other side hustle.

Blog Post

100 Projects Completed

Elizabeth often ghost written many blogs at various times and also posted on her personal yoga blog.

Facebook Post

50 Projects Completed

While working for a yoga studio, Elizabeth created many of the promotional posts for their social media pages.

Email Copy

50 Projects Completed

While working for a yoga studio, Elizabeth wrote all of their twice monthly email newsletters and created a series of emails targeted at specific members when they had a special trip or workshop happening that involved just those members.
She became proficient at utilizing Constant Contact's email platform through this experience.

Mobile Content

50 Projects Completed

Elizabeth often runs Instagram accounts for yoga studios and other clients.


25 Projects Completed

In college, Elizabeth briefly sold advertising for the college newspaper. While she was an awful salesman, writing copy for the ads themselves was her favorite part of the job .
Her best idea was a Valentines Day ad for a flower shop that had a picture of a kitten and a vase of flowers with the text "Kitten optional."


10 Projects Completed

Elizabeth has written print articles for international yoga magazines as well as some local magazines.

Web Page

5 Projects Completed

Elizabeth has assisted with content creation for standing pages on many websites.


5 Projects Completed

Elizabeth has written screenplays in her free time and also done coverage for scripts.


5 Projects Completed

Elizabeth created multiple brochures for the yoga studio that she worked for. These included brochures for Yoga Teacher Training, Chair Yoga, and Yoga with your Horse.


3 Projects Completed

Elizabeth competed in Speech for FBLA and did reasonably well.


3 Projects Completed

Elizabeth has edited books for others upon request.

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