Leslie C
Writer #4762
Joined 1/26/2012
6 Star Rating
100% Success
16,035 Projects
43 Endorsements
2 Elite Skills
Since graduating college in 2002, Leslie C has written hundreds of articles and blog posts on a freelance basis. Just a few of her interests as a writer include topics like home repair, home maintenance, home improvement, travel, cooking, baking, green living, gardening, parenting, decorating, party planning and generally running a successful and functional household. In particular, her passion for writing home and family related articles has only increased since she started a cooking blog in 2011 and bought a ranch-style "fixer" home, circa 1950's. Everyday for Leslie is a new adventure in DIY home repair, family cooking and retro-style decorating, and her passion for these subjects shows in her written work.

When not freelance writing, Leslie is editing technical books and academic articles and dabbling in web design. She has a bachelor's degree in fine art and jumps at any opportunity to write about fine art, art history and entertainment.

Leslie is also a painter, avid reader, business woman and parent of one. She has lived all over the United States and has traveled all over the world. These experiences have inspired her to write about topics like surviving an overnight flight with a young child, moving from one coast to another, living on a vegetarian diet in South America, getting around by rental car in Mexico and what to do when stranded in an airport. Leslie looks forward to exploring similar topics more extensively in the future. Through her writing, she strives to make life easier for ambitious home owners, parents, home chefs and world travelers.
Self Help
Green Living
High Tech
13 More


Leslie C specializes in informational articles, blog posts and how-to articles.


Leslie C is an artist with a degree in fine art and a background in painting. She is a member of the local artist's guild, and an active participant in this organization.

Her hobbies include baking bread, brewing beer, traveling, reading fiction and following politics.

Leslie loves to cook and bake and design her own recipes. She has a food blog where she posts recipes and her favorite pictures of food.


Coe College

At Coe College Leslie studied fine art with a studio concentration in painting. She studied English literature and won an award for literary criticism in 2001. In 2001, Leslie studied abroad in London and Florence for one semester. She was the art editor of the Pearl non-fiction magazine and the Coe Review magazine. She graduated Magna Cum Laude with a GPA of 3.9, and was a member of Mortar Board and Phi Beta Kappa honors societies. She was on the dean's list and graduated with departmental honors.


1,861 Projects Completed

Leslie's articles about personal health span a range of topics about maintaining a healthy lifestyle, information about illnesses, the effect of drugs on the body and substance abuse. Her articles are primarily informational, written in an authoritative, journalistic-style. Leslie has been writing about these topics since 2009.


1,363 Projects Completed

Leslie's articles featured in home and garden publications have covered topics from brick laying, home remodeling, home repair and DIY projects like refinishing and installation. Her experience in these fields comes from her own adventures in DIY home improvement. She has also researched these subjects extensively, both online and in books. Leslie specializes in how-to and informational articles and blog posts. She has been writing about topics in construction since 2009.

Home Living

742 Projects Completed

As a thrifty homeowner, Leslie spends a great deal of time finding inexpensive and creative ways to make her 1954 ranch-style house a fitting home for her family. This first-hand experience has greatly influenced her recent focus on writing practical articles for homeowners and aspiring home owners. Her articles focus on the joys and pains of home ownership, from decorating to repairing, furnishing and cleaning. Her extensively researched articles are primarily how-to articles, but she has written more in-depth informational articles as well.


296 Projects Completed

Leslie's blog posts and articles on medical topics are written in a journalistic style and span a range of subjects, from maintaining a healthy lifestyle, information about illnesses, the effect of drugs on the body and substance abuse. The articles she writes have been primarily informational, rather than persuasive or how-to. She has been writing articles on these topics since 2009.


147 Projects Completed

It is her experience as a pet owner and her extensive research on this subject that allows Leslie to write compassionate but practical articles about training pets, caring for pets, pet health, finding a pet and responsible pet ownership. Her articles on this subject are primarily informational and how-to. Leslie has very thorough personal and professional knowledge of cats, dogs, hamsters, fish and birds. She has been writing about this subject since 2009.


128 Projects Completed

As an art instructor at the city recreation center in Cedar Rapids, Iowa, Leslie gained first-hand experience in classroom management, designing a curriculum and lesson plans, instructing children ages 5-13, and maintaining a functional classroom space. She has written articles in how-to format, informational format, and blog posts. Her articles have covered subjects like classroom management, instruction, art and craft projects for young children and how to use technology in the classroom. She worked in the education field for several years, studied education in college, and has been writing about education topics since 2009.


99 Projects Completed

With extensive personal experience in traveling to a variety of settings around the world, Leslie's knowledge of transportation spans all different types, including riding in public and private transportation, using personal navigation devices, dealing with airlines and issues regarding world-wide travel. Articles Leslie has written cover topics like navigating in large cities, driving in a foreign country, taking trains while on vacation and what to do when public transportation breaks down. Leslie has been writing about these topics since 2009.


78 Projects Completed

Leslie has been cooking natural, organic meals from scratch for almost ten years. She specializes in vegetarian cooking and baking. Her articles and blog posts cover topics like ethnic cooking, hearty home-made recipes, baking from scratch, making one's own recipes, caring for kitchen utensils, substituting spices, staging food, coordinating large meals, bread baking and quick and easy family recipes. She focuses on writing clear and succinct recipes and food reviews, while telling stories when appropriate. She has been writing on the topic of food and cooking since 2009. Since 2011, she has maintained her own cooking blog about her experiences cooking for a family of three.


77 Projects Completed

As an art major in college with a background working in art education, Leslie has extensive personal experience in art-and-craft-focused hobby topics. She has written articles on a range of subjects in this category, from sewing, to making art, furniture refinishing, decorating, gardening, building and woodworking. Her articles are primarily how-to, informational and blog posts. She has been writing about these topics since 2009, but her experience with these topics goes back a much longer time.


72 Projects Completed

Since she joined the work force in 2002, Leslie has been employed at four different offices in three major urban areas. She has experience managing an office, providing administrative and executive support, and using office technologies. It is this experience she draws from when she writes articles about office politics, maintaining healthy office relationships, making career choices and using office software efficiently. Her articles are informational, how-to and blog posts. She has been writing about this subject since 2009.


71 Projects Completed

As a former children's art instructor and a current mother of an adopted child, Leslie draws on a wide range of experience to write her articles. Her articles include crafts to keep kids busy, managing family conflicts, safe activities for children, decorating a child's room, balancing work and family life, feeding a family of picky eaters, teaching children, entertaining children and a variety of adoption-related topics. The articles she has written on these subjects are often how-to, informational and blog posts. She has been writing extensively on these topics since 2009.


58 Projects Completed

Leslie's substantive and authoritative articles cover topics like leading craft activities with children, craft ideas, and crafts made from a variety of mediums like clay, art papers, fabrics, beads and paint. To write her how-to articles and informational articles, she draws from years of experience teaching children the arts at the city rec center in Cedar Rapids, Iowa, where she was an instructor. She studied art in college, so she is familiar with a wide range of mediums and materials. In addition, she has a family of her own, so craft projects are a daily part of her life. She has been writing about topics in crafting since 2009.


58 Projects Completed

Since Leslie's first trip abroad in 2000, she has been writing travel-related essays and blog posts. In recent years, she has written articles and blog posts about traveling alone, traveling with family and with children, vegetarian traveling, inexpensive travel, efficient packing techniques and international travel tips. Her articles cover both international and domestic travel destinations. Leslie's articles are primarily blog posts, informational articles and how-to articles. The travel articles she writes are conversational, but also authoritative and practical.


57 Projects Completed

Leslie's articles about the garden range from advise about fertilizing and composting, plant care, plant diseases and ailments, and green ways to keep plants healthy. As a homeowner with several large gardens, she has a lot of personal experience with composting, raising citrus, maintaining a garden, landscaping and green plant care methods. Leslie has been writing about garden maintenance since 2009. Her articles are mostly DIY, informative, and how-to.


45 Projects Completed

Leslie has written articles on topics ranging from job satisfaction to advancement in the work place. She has also written industry-specific articles about careers in education, the fine arts and decorating. Some of these articles are written in a how-to format, others are informational. Some of her pieces are personal blog posts specifically about running your own business, how to improve sales, how to transition from one type of career to another, and how to improve product visibility. She has been writing articles about career topics since 2009.

High Tech

27 Projects Completed

The articles Leslie writes about technology span a range of topics like office technologies, recent innovations, technology comparisons and the changing world of electronics. Leslie thoroughly researches product comparisons and reviews before writing any topics. Leslie has written articles for online publications and product referrals in a work-place setting. Most of her articles on this topic are informational, rather than how-to. She has been writing about this topic since 2009.

Green Living

25 Projects Completed

As a homeowner with first-hand experience in green living, Leslie has researched and written articles on topics about composting, recycling, vegetarianism, solar panels, green gardening and home efficiency. Many of her articles focus on the ways that green living can save money as well as the earth. Her articles are primarily DIY, informational and how-to. She has been writing about green living since 2009.


25 Projects Completed

Leslie's entertainment articles focus on finding budget-conscious recreation for individuals and families. She writes articles with in-depth reviews, tips and insider secrets to having fun in urban areas. From restaurants to movies and museums, her articles help readers navigate the plethora of choices in their local area. Leslie's articles are written in a variety of formats including how-to, blog posts, reviews and informational articles. She has been writing about entertainment topics since 2008.


25 Projects Completed

Leslie's expertise in electronics comes from first hand experience and extensive research. As a full-time office administrator, she uses a variety of electronic devices on a day-to-day basis. She has written articles about the way that these electronics function, the uses of these electronics, and advantages and disadvantages of specific electronic products on the market today. Her articles are typically informational or how-to. She has been writing about electronics since 2009.

Self Help

21 Projects Completed

Leslie's research and writing on self help includes topics like finding happiness in work and at home, handling family relationships, holistic healing and finding personal fulfillment in troubled times. Her articles on these subjects are written with a compassionate but authoritative voice. Leslie has written how-to articles, short informational articles and longer, more in-depth pieces about a variety of self-help topics. Leslie has been writing articles on this subject since 2009.


19 Projects Completed

The articles Leslie writes about appliances cover appliance performance, articles comparing two appliances, appliance installation and assembly, and appliance maintenance. She writes articles that are authoritative, practical, well-researched and interesting for the reader. Leslie has been writing how-to and informational articles of this nature since 2009.

Blog Post

7,928 Projects Completed

Leslie has written blog posts about decorating, vegetarian cooking and tips for running a functional and happy home. Her blog posts are usually instructive, written in a conversational style and often centered on themes about home life. Leslie has a personal cooking blog that she uses to post her own recipes and experiences in the kitchen.


2,813 Projects Completed

Leslie has written over a thousand articles on topics covering home improvement, decor, food, child adoption, travel, gardening, home maintenance, moving, vegetarianism, art and crafts, teaching, working with children, furniture refinishing, hobbies, fine art, electronics, appliances, art history and construction. Her articles may be informative or instructive.

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