Debra S
Writer #4684
Joined 1/10/2012
4 Star Rating
100% Success
551 Projects
0 Endorsements
0 Elite Skills
Debra S. has been a writer and editor since 2001 and a licensed social worker since 1997. She has written ebooks, blog posts, web copy, advertising copy, brochures, product reviews, articles, and editorials. You can count on Debra's good attitude and her fast, error-free work.
Blog Post
Real Estate
Self Help
1 More


Debra's specialties include blog posts, SEO/keyword, print articles, essays, product reviews, how-to's, self-help and advice pieces, FAQs and fiction.


Debra has been a medical social worker for almost 20 years and a freelance writer and editor for 15 years. Her books, HOSPICE TAILS, VISITING GRANDMA, and 40 TIPS FOR EASING DEPRESSION SYMPTOMS are available on Amazon. When she is not writing, she loves to read, watch movies, work puzzles, spend time with friends, and play with her cats.


University of Kansas

Bachelor of Arts in psychology with an emphasis on clinical issues.

University of Kansas

Master's Degree in Social Work with an emphasis on medicine and healthcare.


101 Projects Completed

Work appears on Suite101, Experts123, BellaOnline, the Alliance of Hope. Debra has also ghost-written work on multiple sites.


100 Projects Completed

Writing has appeared on Suite101, Demand Media, Experts 123, BellaOnline, and uncredited ghost-writing projects


100 Projects Completed

Extensive ghost-writing for relationship webs; Work scheduled to appear on Senior Planet and Profiles in Diversity

Self Help

50 Projects Completed

Debra has ghost-written dozens of articles and blog posts about setting goals, practicing good time-management and organization, and using tools such as relaxation, meditation, and visualizations.

Real Estate

25 Projects Completed

Ghost-written articles and blog posts about buying and selling homes for more than a dozen different employers.


20 Projects Completed

Ghost-wrote copy for dating websites and women's lifestyle websights. Can write for either a straight or lesbian audience.


11 Projects Completed

Ghost-written blog materials for many attorneys. Specialties include bankruptcy, DUI, and criminal defense/trial law.


10 Projects Completed

Debra's work has appeared on Suite 101. She also ghost-wrote a book about French poodles. Her nonfiction book, Hospice Tails, was published in June 2011

Blog Post

102 Projects Completed

Debra maintains a blog directed at freelance writers. She has also edited a blog for suicide survivors. She has ghost-written blog posts on topics ranging from finances to health care.


26 Projects Completed

I have written articles for clients for use both online and in print. Topics have included health, self-help, diversity in the workplace, and elder abuse and neglect.


6 Projects Completed

I have written books about hospice patients and their pets, caring for the homebound patient, employee behavior, and caring for French poodles.

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