Riley L
Writer #4640
Joined 12/28/2011
5 Star Rating
100% Success
5,742 Projects
29 Endorsements
4 Elite Skills
Riley is a filmmaker, photographer and web designer. She holds a Bachelor of Science in Liberal Studies, with emphases in English and Sociology. She has worked in the medical, architectural and fashion industries, and has been working as a freelance writer for five years. She has written articles on a wide variety of subjects, including politics, home improvement, gardening, entertainment and travel, for clients such USA Today and, as well as meeting and convention brochures and posts on blogs in a variety of topics. Riley is also an avid traveler and comfortable researching a wide range of topics.
Green Living
7 More


As an independent filmmaker, Riley has experience working with video and audio equipment, including multiple cameras and mics, as well as video and audio-editing programs. Riley also has extensive photography and image-editing experience. Travel, writing, literature and foreign films are other major areas of interest.



Riley completed a double major in liberal studies with emphases in English and Sociology.


200 Projects Completed

Riley has written so many gardening articles, you would think she was born with a green thumb and a spade in her mouth. Works include articles on creating raised flower beds, organic growing, building garden walls from natural materials, and plant care. She knows how to make even sprinkler system installation, a daunting task, a simple do-it-yourself project.


168 Projects Completed

An avid-traveler herself, Riley knows what makes for a good travel article. Most of her paid work is focused on regional lodging, food and recreation, plus travel tips. Riley prefers travel articles that allow for some personality. She likes writing about cities to which she's been, cities to which she want to go, and crafting articles that provide highly useful travel information.


114 Projects Completed

Having worked in the health industry in several different states, Riley has a good background in basic medical terminology. Her past work experience has largely dealt with private insurance companies, patient information, rehabilitation services, and Medicare. Health-related articles written by Riley include projects on finding and choosing the best insurance, and how to find the right doctor.


112 Projects Completed

Riley has experience working in a wide range of computer programs. The programs with which she is most comfortable, and in which she has the most extensive experience, are focused on video-editing, audio-editing, graphic design and word processing. Riley knows how to take confusing operations and boil them down to the simplest components.


87 Projects Completed

A contest-winning screenwriter, feature filmmaker, and novelist, Riley goes about most of her entertainment-related writing projects from the creation side. Entertainment articles she's written include those on screenwriting, book publishing and how to get work as an actor. She's also a consumer, though, and enjoys serving up her thoughts on movies, TV, music, books and live performance.


81 Projects Completed

Not her first love, numerous projects on finance - largely focused on stock investments and taxes - honed Riley's skills at writing financial content that is consumer-oriented and easy to understand. Riley's specialty in finance writing is taking complex information and making it comprehensible to those of us who aren't financial experts.


53 Projects Completed

Riley has worked on a number of "how-to" and informational articles, covering a wide range of topics. Works include articles on operating, wiring, repair and replacing appliance parts. Riley has written articles on everything from common kitchen appliances, such as ovens, refrigerators and dishwashers, to luxury appliances, like wine coolers and countertop ice makers.


34 Projects Completed

When it comes to outdoor and recreation, Riley likes to do hers in the context of travel. Not much of a naturalist on the homefront, Riley does like to hit the trails for hikes on trips to places that offer ample opportunity. Recent hikes include Oahu's Diamond Head, Oregon's Multnomah Falls and the Vail Village trek.


29 Projects Completed

Who doesn't enjoy food?

A health-conscious eater, Riley prefers to write food articles that keep in line with her own belief system - that food heals and mass-produced food comes with dangerous consequences. As a writer who must bring in income to eat, though, Riley does take the occasional article on local and regional restaurants that don't exactly serve up healthy fare.


29 Projects Completed

Riley has written craft articles on everything from creating "pirate boots" to how-tos on folding origami projects. She offers detailed writing that provides ideal instruction for novices, but doesn't bore those crafters with more experience. Riley has covered the business side of the craft industry as well, producing articles on how to sell crafts once you create them.


26 Projects Completed

Music is in Riley's blood. In high school, she wanted to be a vocalist, before other loves superseded her love of singing. Her original college course of study was music business, where she soaked up the basics of the business, royalties and studio work. She has worked with musicians and publishing houses to get rights to songs for movie projects, and can attack music articles from both the industry and consumer sides.

Green Living

25 Projects Completed

When it comes to green living, Riley doesn't always do as she should, but she does know what she does know those environmentally-friendly things she should be doing, and expresses those things in simplistic, easy-to-read ways. Green living articles written by Riley span a range of topics. Article titles incluse "Installation of Solar Panels," "Environmentally-Friendly Insulation" and "How to Make Homemade Water Filters."


20 Projects Completed

Riley has written several hobby-based articles that don't necessarily align with her personal hobbies. Her philosophy on hobby-writing is to assume that hobbyists know more about the subject than she does. With this philosophy in mind, she doesn't do much background writing on hobbies, but sticks to the details of a specific project to provide high-quality instruction.


16 Projects Completed

Riley has published novels under both her legal name and under pseudonyms. These works have been distributed in both print and digital versions. Riley has extensive experience working with cover images, front copy, copyright, formatting, and working directly with book printers. She handles both technical and business articles with ease.


4,211 Projects Completed

Articles make up the bulk of Riley's past writing work. She's written for several online clients, and created articles on a wide range of topics. Main topics on which Riley has written include travel, home repair and maintenance, gardening and outdoor building and entertainment. Riley's main focus is on turning out articles that are both easy and fun to read.

Blog Post

530 Projects Completed

Riley writes on her personal blog every week, crafting a combination of personal, political entertainment-related, and society posts. Less personal work has been on health and the medical industry, general writing techniques and tips, news and history. She feels a good blog post is like a good article, but with more personality.


7 Projects Completed

A contest-winning screenwriter, Riley usually focuses her scriptwriting on fiction, but she can turn out a non-fiction or corporate video script that includes the most pertinent information and holds a viewers attention. She prefers short script assignments with detailed instruction and all information provided.

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