Kimberly specializes in web content, as well as SEO.
In addition to writing, Kimberly loves playing games on the computer, her children, pets and traveling.
Kimberly took courses in college to work toward a degree in editing and publishing before changing schools to pursue another path.
Kimberly enjoys making crafts of all kinds, including cross stitching and paper crafts. She has done many projects personally and does some with her children as well. Anything she hasn't done, she can usually figure out.
Kimberly has 3 kids of her own in various stages of life from teenager to toddler. She is well informed on the recent recommendations and various aspects of child care.
Kimberly has traveled a majority of her life, mostly throughout the United States. She has been camping and stayed at hotels in more than 30 different states. She loves all things related to travel.
Kimberly often helps her husband with model railroading. She also has several hobbies of her own, including cross stitch, reading and writing stories. She enjoys teaching others about these hobbies.
Kimberly has gone through a divorce and custody of her children and is familiar with many of the laws. She also moderates an online community for divorce and custody issues where she helps others with questions, including researching the laws across the country.
Kimberly has experience playing an array of video games on several platforms, as well as on the computer and online. She enjoys gaming and loves to help others work through games.
Kimberly has done a lot of research on relationship and has been through several different kinds, including friendships (close and long distance), dating relationships, marriages and divorce.
Kimberly has had several kinds of pets, including dogs, cats, fish and gerbils. She is familiar with various aspects of the care and maintenance of these types of animals and capable of researching about many others.
Kimberly has played several sports herself, including softball, volleyball, basketball and cheerleading. She also knows a lot about soccer and football. She watches both football and soccer on television and has played fantasy sports games in football.
Kimberly is an avid camper and loves to spend time outdoors hiking, biking and rollerblading. She is also familiar with weather and how it works through her own research and fascination with the topic.
Kimberly took several classes in education while in college. She also homeschools her son and often helps all her children with their homework. She is able to research education topics and implement the information she receives smoothly into articles.
Kimberly is a woman herself and has experience with fixing hair and makeup, as well as numerous other female issues, including relationship advice, being a mother and connecting with family.
Her main experience with online writing is to create articles on specified topics. She has experience researching topics and transforming that research into an original article.
Kimberly has written blog posts for a number of business and hobby blogs. She also writes for her own travel blog. She realizes how important it is for websites to use blogging to reach out to their readers and maintain steady traffic.
Kimberly has extensive experience writing site content for websites in many industries. She has written content for homepages, internal webpages, landing pages and more. She takes great care in ensuring content is reflective of the company it represents for the best results.
Kimberly has written press releases for companies in a variety of industries, providing them with exposure that draws in customers and makes sales.