Lisa enjoys writing articles and blog posts on health and fitness, pets, and cooking, recipes, and food. She is adept at writing how-to articles, interviews, reviews, radio and newsprint ads, newsletters and press releases. Additionally, much of her work requires knowledge and successful use of SEO practices.
Avid in health and fitness, Lisa has worked out consistently for about 20 years. She cares for a number of special needs animals (her vet calls her house their "satellite clinic") including a diabetic cat and a Chihuahua with liver failure. Aside from writing, Lisa enjoys reading, cooking, knitting and sewing in her "spare" time. She also roasts coffee for herself as well as a modest number of clients.
What drives people to behave how they do? How can some justify lives of crime while others won't even accept incorrect change back even if it is in their favor? Issues like these have always been of interest to Lisa, so when she had the opportunity to take a few college courses, Psychology was at the top of the list. A degree and possible second career may be in the cards for Lisa at some point in the future, but for now her background in psychology has provided valuable knowledge for her fiction writing.
Although writing has always been in the job description for Lisa no matter what job she held, when she decided to leave 9 to 5 behind and write full-time, she wanted to be sure that she was doing as much as possible to put a firm foundation beneath her career as well as further it. She excelled in every course she took and enjoyed them immensely, proving to herself and others that she could write well and that her career move would be a wise one.
Having worked in radio while in high school, Lisa considered pursuing a career in broadcasting and communications. Although her experience and background allowed her to excel in the courses she majored in briefly, it was really the writing part of the classes and the related jobs that Lisa was drawn to, giving her a reason to switch gears and follow the writing career path.
With a background in radio and television ad writing, marketing is a niche Lisa is comfortable writing in. Whether the copy needs to appear as an informative article or have an obvious sales slant, Lisa can provide what you're looking for with expert style.
Lisa's husband owns a gym and is a personal trainer. He has also developed a piece of personal fitness equipment. Lisa edited and published the workout manual for the equipment as well as wrote and published a newsletter for his health club. She wrote copy for the product brochure and continues to write and voice radio ads for both businesses and wrote copy for a product brochure.
Food writing projects Lisa has worked on have included original recipes and cooking tips as well as list-type articles that detail healthy types of foods and uses for specialty foods and ingredients.
Articles Lisa has written on pets have ranged from how to make homemade treats to food advice to how to care for African Grey Parrots. With the experience she has with special needs pets, Lisa has the background to branch out more to write veterinary and pet health pieces.
With her love of cooking and background in fitness, a nutrition education has been necessary for Lisa, although it has been a self-taught one. Articles she has written include Healthy Types of Breads, No Carb Foods, and list-type articles like The Best Oils to Cook With.
Lisa has written a number of how-to craft articles on a wide range of topics from knitting to sewing to children's crafts.
Lisa was tapped over the summer of 2011 to write some articles on utility services for White Fence. Titles included Comparison of Verizon Phones, How to Add High Speed Internet to Your Cable Service and U-Verse Internet.
Lisa has written guest posts for several clients' blogs. Whether they are informative or humorous--or a combination of both--blogs are projects she really enjoys working on. So much so, in fact, that she recently started a fitness blog just for the "fun" of it. This sample was a recent assignment for a client.
The bulk of Lisa's experience with newsletter copy comes from writing for a client who owns a health club. The newsletters go out every two months to the members and focus on keeping them abreast of happenings at the club, i.e.: new classes and services being offered, welcoming new staff and updates on construction and renovations, when applicable. Typically a short informative article is also included offering workout, weight loss and diet advice or educational articles on nutrition, benefits of supplements and similar topics.
Most of the press releases Lisa has done are for her personal business and her husband's businesses. The sample given list here is for a non-profit organization, one for which Lisa sits on the board.