Food, Nutrition/Health, Food Safety, Cooking, Baking, and most topics related to the restaurant/foodservice industry (drawing on his training and experience as a chef, restaurateur and food safety trainer).
Financial topics including, but not limited to, personal finance; life, disability, critical illness and other forms of insurance; annuities and mutual funds; general financial and retirement planning (drawing on his training and experience as a former insurance/funds salesperson).
Technology including general Windows and Linux topics (he has used Linux as his "daily driver" OS since 2007) as well as general computer topics, A/V equipment and hookups, GPS, and other generalized tech topics (drawing on his earlier career in retail electronics).
General business and business management topics, drawn from his own experience as an entrepreneur and former retail-chain manager, and from several years of researching and writing business-themed articles.
Career-related titles (career planning, research, education), drawing on experience earned by writing hundreds of such articles for multiple sites.
Gardening-related articles, drawing on his experience as a lifelong avid gardener and the son of another (Organic Gardening and the Mother Earth News formed some of his earliest reading).
He has also written informational and marketing material for several vendors of specialized software products.
Open-source software/community
Privacy/online safety
Aerospace/space exploration
Moved to Alberta, finished the program at NAIT.
Completed program, entered apprenticeship.
Trained chef, former restaurateur, longtime teacher of cooking classes (approaching 20 years).
Has written many hundreds of food-related articles across dozens of high-volume sites.
Longtime electronics retailer, former RadioShack (Canada) store manager.
Has written hundreds of articles pertaining to home/personal electronics across multiple sites.
Formerly a licensed life insurance and mutual funds salesperson/broker.
Has written hundreds of articles across multiple sites on the subjects of investments, insurance, funds, financial planning, retirement planning, etc.
Nine years (and counting) as a prolific writer of online content, amounting to well over 7000 articles spanning scores of sites and a similar number of topics.
Wrote a biweekly column for the major local daily (on the subject of local food and local food/drink producers) in his market from 2007 to 2009.
Scripted a series of 10 short how-to videos for the website of one of the largest coffee companies in the US.
Created a limited number of Facebook posts for a major wine distribution company, on the subject of wines and their enjoyment.
Wrote a small number of press releases for a company in the flexible food-packaging industry, in conjunction with a larger series of articles on their packaging products.