Chris H
Writer #36161
Joined 3/20/2020
4 Star Rating
6 Projects
0 Endorsements
0 Elite Skills
Chris has a broad variety of education and life experiences that have added depth, diversity, and intrigue to his writing. From blogging on agroforestry development initiatives in Haiti, to writing transdisciplinary essays on philosophy, anthropology, and religion, Chris is comfortable in an array of genres. Chris' travel experiences add perspective to everything he does, and some of his most formative experiences have been in India, Haiti, and Guatemala.
Blog Post


Spirituality, Buddhism, Meditation, Agriculture, Yoga, Relationships, Religion


Travel, Gardening, Meditation, Ceremony


Sewanee: The University of the South

Sewanee was a rigorous liberal arts educational experience. Chris had a broad array of experiential and academic learning experiences, ranging from politics, agriculture, anthropology, development work, and research.


3 Projects Completed

Chris worked for a nonprofit in Haiti developing a coffee reforestation project. For three concurrent summers Chris blogged about these experiences. His work blended spirituality, agroforestry, and philosophy.

Blog Post

3 Projects Completed

All of the blogs written by Chris were for an agroforestry development project in Haiti. The posts were written in a narrative style and blended elements of travel, anthropology, biology, and spirituality. Posts were made on a weekly schedule for six weeks during three consecutive summers. Chris also led other student researchers in developing their blogging and writing skills.

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