Attention to detail, time management, organization, creativity, rhetoric, and communication.
Stephanie's interests include mental health, music, film, literature, fashion, and photography.
Stephanie graduated with a 3.6 GPA in the study of English with an emphasis on Creative Writing.
Stephanie drafted package summaries and client contracts for a private Media Arts company in Long Beach, CA.
Stephanie worked as a talent scout for RAW Artists, and occasionally did some writing for the company. She was the author of a blog post titled, "How to Create a CV."
Stephanie is currently working on an E-Book of Southern Californian women poets. She is in the positions of Co-Author and Editor.
Stephanie worked as the customer service manager for an E-Commerce company responsible for multiple websites. She was responsible for E-mail content and customer correspondence.
Stephanie owns and operates her personal and photography blog "Steph on the Internet." You can find her work at StephontheInternet.com