Barbara V
Writer #35718
Joined 2/15/2020
6 Star Rating
100% Success
2,378 Projects
0 Endorsements
0 Elite Skills
Barbara is a full-time professional freelance writer after spending many years working in corporate, legal, government, nonprofit, and small business environments. Since 2019 she has honed her skills in research, content creation, and marketing, and her momentum continues to build with the many writing projects she takes on. Barbara enjoys writing in a conversational tone as if having a one-on-one conversation with each reader. Words can educate as well as entertain, and she always keeps that in mind while creating content.

Prior to writing full-time, Barbara worked in various roles, including as a paralegal and legal administrator in both the private and public sectors. She now writes for legal clients in areas of real estate, personal injury, intellectual property, estate planning, contracts, compliance, and many others.

Barbara also brings her love of travel to her writing projects. After living in Europe for three years, she returned to the States to earn a degree in International Affairs. From there, she relocated to Washington, DC to work for an international consulting group before choosing to go into the legal field. She continues to travel, including to China, Micronesia, Mexico, Belize, Honduras and the Caribbean.

Another area Barbara writes about is health and wellness, ranging from dental topics to physical therapy, fitness, alternative medicine and mental health. Home and living articles and blog posts are a favorite as well and she enjoys writing about the various indoor and outdoor topics.

Barbara has written one memoir and co-authored another. Through the process, she has gained experience in editing, proofreading, book interior design, cover design, self-publishing, and book marketing. She continues to stay connected to writing and publishing organizations and stays up to date on the latest news and practices. She thrives on compiling various types of information, from diaries and journals to old letters and various other memorabilia, and turning them into books.

A few of Barbara’s hobbies include scuba diving, hiking, and enjoying and learning about nature. She is currently designing and building a fitness trail in her forested backyard.
Home Living
Web Page
Blog Post


Always curious and eager to learn new things, Barbara doesn't shy away from any topic and enjoys working with multiple clients. Currently, she writes in several areas, including legal, travel, health and wellness, marketing, and home and lifestyle.

Barbara has experience in writing blog posts, webpages, articles, newsletters, and various resource materials, including books and eBooks. She is also knowledgeable when it comes to SEO, keyphrase selection, cluster pages, and overall content and digital marketing.


Barbara is an avid reader and especially enjoys nonfiction, memoirs, and historical fiction. She considers herself an armchair archaeologist and is a big fan of Italian and Asian food. Other interests include outdoor recreation, nature, spirituality, and pets.

In addition, Barbara has written one memoir and co-authored another. Through the process, she has gained experience in editing, proofreading, book interior design, cover design, self-publishing, and book marketing. She continues to stay connected to writing and publishing organizations and stays up to date on the latest news and practices. She thrives on compiling various types of information, from diaries and journals to old letters and various other memorabilia, and turning them into book


Florida State University

Upon Barbara's return from working as a fashion model in Europe for three years, she earned her Bachelor of Science degree in International Affairs. Courses she excelled at included International Trade, International Finance, Political Geography, Economic Geography, Comparative Governments, International Organizations, and Natural Resources and Environment.

Upon graduation, Barbara moved to Washington, DC to work with an international consulting group to the US Agency for International Development. Barbara maintains a strong interest in global cultures as well as international travel.

Central Piedmont Community College

After working as a contractor with an intellectual property asset protection firm specializing in worldwide trademark infringement, diversion, and product counterfeiting , Barbara decided to earn her paralegal certificate and enter the legal field. She pursued classes at night while transitioning to a full-time position with a large law firm’s intellectual property group. The courses under the paralegal program gave her a broad overview of areas of law, including legal research and writing, civil litigation, civil injuries, torts, ethics, real estate, family law, and criminal law and procedure. Barbara received the Spring 2000 Outstanding Student in Paralegal Technology award.


336 Projects Completed

Barbara writes for several clients in the health and wellness field, including dentists, orthopedists, dermatologists, physical therapists, and chiropractors. She also writes for medical and health service providers, such as remote patient monitoring and chronic care management.

Barbara enjoys writing about the latest techniques, products, and methods for both physical and mental health. Her past and current writing projects range from preventive measures to healthcare choices to alternative healthcare methods. In addition, Barbara has written numerous blog posts geared toward breast cancer survivors, including what to expect, what to wear, and how to move forward and find joy with your new body.


309 Projects Completed

Barbara previously worked as a paralegal and legal administrator in both the private and public sectors. In these roles, she wrote numerous documents, including contracts, sub-leases, SOWs, non-disclosure agreements, and privacy policies.

Utilizing her work experience, Barbara now writes blog posts, webpages, and newsletters for various law firms and online legal resource websites. Her specialties include personal injury, intellectual property, employment, and public records law, with additional experience in Real Estate, Trusts & Estates, and Family Law.

In addition, Barbara assists in the ongoing setup of a website for self-represented litigants, providing information on legal definitions, types of claims, elements, and affirmative defenses. Barbara also enjoys writing about the latest legal news as well as on legal history.


192 Projects Completed

Barbara’s love of travel and global cultures has remained a big part of her life after living in Europe for three years in her late teens and early twenties. After earning a BS degree in International Affairs, she worked with an international consulting group in Washington, DC for five years. She has since traveled to China, Micronesia, Central America, and the Caribbean.

Today she writes articles and blog posts on various travel topics, from where to go for exceptional scuba diving to the best ways to explore a charming old city. Barbara also enjoys working on local travel projects, such as identifying the best restaurants or sights within a particular city, state, or region. Her travel philosophy is you can always find fun and unique things to do wherever you are, and she brings that spirit to her travel writing.


151 Projects Completed

Barbara continues to build her skills in content and digital marketing and now writes about them to help others achieve their goals also.

Topics Barbara covers include SEO, Content Marketing, Social Media Marketing, Blogging Strategies, Lead Generation, Demand Generation, Hyperpersonilzation, Artificial Intelligence in Marketing, Emphatic Marketing, Marketing Tools, and more. She also enjoys writing about careers in digital marketing, including freelance writing.

Home Living

111 Projects Completed

Barbara enjoys writing about ways to enjoy our homes and solutions for improving them. Her writing experience includes everything from design techniques to home repairs and maintenance. Additional areas of interest include container gardening, outdoor entertainment, and grilling methods and recipes.

Blog Post

993 Projects Completed

Barbara excels at writing blog posts on a variety of topics. She incorporates the inbound marketing principle of providing value in each post and, if requested by the client, a call to action. Barbara also understands SEO strategies, including the use of subheadings and keyphrases. Examples of the type of blogs Barbara writes include legal, health, travel, fitness, home living, and careers.

Web Page

184 Projects Completed

Today’s online environment means everyone is vying for attention, and a good website can make all the difference. With this in mind, Barbara crafts webpages that not only provide valuable information but also promotes the particular business. The majority of her experience is with service-oriented clients, including legal and medical websites.


102 Projects Completed

After completing a Writer’s Digest course on Nonfiction Article Writing, Barbara knew she was on the right track. Her love for providing information, coupled with conducting interviews, has led to a new path for her creativity. Examples of the type of articles she has written so far include whitewater rafting for beginners and scuba diving for shark teeth.

Barbara also ghostwrites articles for various clients, delving into such topics as international travel, spirituality, hobbies, lifestyle, and more. She is naturally curious about the world and loves to combine her research and creative writing skills to create something entirely unique.

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