Elizabeth C
Writer #35652
Joined 2/10/2020
4 Star Rating
100% Success
41 Projects
0 Endorsements
0 Elite Skills
Elizabeth has medical & regulatory writing experience spanning across multiple medical diseases. This is based on a 20 year foundation in doctoral level cancer research in academia & industry.

Her specific writing experience includes:

(1) Regulatory: module 2 of Investigational New Drug applications, Investigator Brochures, Data Safety Update Reports, Fast Track Applications; & editing of Clinical Study Reports. (am familiar with ICH guidelines)

(3) Medical: drafting/editing dozens of peer reviewed publications, white papers, abstracts & conference posters.

(4) Grants & Contracts: drafting SBIR/STTR and R01, R22 grants; and government contracts (Technical & Business proposals)

(5) Copy Content: medical content for use in marketing/branding/product brochure materials.

Facile with Microsoft Word, Powerpoint, Photoshop, Excel; PubMed & Veeva.
White Paper
Blog Post


Deep domain expertise in oncology, but with sufficient broad-based medical writing to write across medical domains.

Therapeutics, diagnostics & medical devices.

Significant grant & US government contract proposal writing (both Technical & Business Sections)
40% success rate vs. 15-20% national average for SBIR/STTR grants.


Mentoring Healthcare Startups, Reading, Jogging.


The Johns Hopkins University

English major with a minor in Natural Sciences.

Georgetown University

The MS degree was achieved based on core coursework in Physiology & Biophysics, with a concentration in Tumor Biology. Coursework was supplemented by laboratory research in breast cancer.

Thomas Jefferson University

Doctoral research was focused on epigenetic deregulation of genes that contribute to diseases including cancer. Research was published in highest impact Nature and Nature Cell Biology peer-reviewed journals.


20 Projects Completed

Elizabeth has provided heatlhcare writing support to large biotech/pharma companies across a wide range of needs including:

(1) regulatory documents
(2) blogs
(3) copy for marketing
(4) white papers
(5) grants
(6) peer reviewed articles


10 Projects Completed

Elizabeth has provided healthcare advisory/writing support to healthcare startups which has covered both technical & financial material:

(1) market research
(2) grants
(3) investor-facing executive summaries & pitchdecks


5 Projects Completed

For healthcare biotech/pharma clients, brochures on novel products were drafted. For example, a new suite of hematology counter instruments for a major scientific instruments was requested.

White Paper

3 Projects Completed

While a Scholar at the NIH, several white papers were commissioned. These were used as the basis for Request for Proposals that were issued to academic centers throughout the U.S.

Blog Post

3 Projects Completed

Medical blog writing support has been provided to a medium-size biotechnology company. One was entitled "The Impact of Artificial Intelligence on Medical Research". The angle spotlighted was how Artificial Intelligence has advanced medical research from basic science to commercialized products.

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