Lauren L
Writer #35426
Joined 1/27/2020
4 Star Rating
100% Success
212 Projects
0 Endorsements
0 Elite Skills
Lauren is a master of persuading and informing readers about popular subjects, products, services, and other information especially pertaining to fields in medicine, nutrition, health, wellness, fitness, and technology.
Blog Post


Blog, article, promotional


Nutrition, fitness, wellness, nutritional supplements, home maintenance, home care, college financial planning, technology, wearables, mobile devices, smartphones


Texas State University at San Marcos

Lauren studied Human Nutrition extensively at Texas State University and received high marks in all related coursework. She also worked at the Student Health Center on campus writing educational material about sexual and mental health, wellness and stress management. A minor in Sociology was chosen due to her interest in human behavior and social constructs.


55 Projects Completed

Lauren uses her broad knowledge of health fields from plastic surgery, dental health to addiction recovery to inform and persuade readers.


25 Projects Completed

Lauren utilizes her understanding of physiology, nutrition science and counseling to inform readers about healthy food choices and alternatives.


15 Projects Completed

Lauren uses her knowledge of physiology, psychology, and kinesics to persuade and inform readers about fitness.

Blog Post

102 Projects Completed

Lauren is skilled in writing conversationally and with a friendly tone. She does her best work when informing the reader about a subject of interest and includes keywords naturally for best SEO and readability.


15 Projects Completed

Lauren writes catalog-style articles with precision and attention to detailed instructions or formatting.

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