Sharon M
Writer #35217
Joined 1/9/2020
3 Star Rating
100% Success
5 Projects
0 Endorsements
0 Elite Skills
Sharon is a cryptocurrency enthusiast who has written extensively on the topics of decentralized finance, distributed ledger technology, blockchain, hashgraph, and other related technologies. She also enjoys writing about the impact cryptocurrencies and crytoassets will have on the traditional financial industry, and her work appears on multiple industry-recognized digital publications.


Decentralized finance, cryptocurrencies and crypto assets, cryptoeconomics, blockchain technologies, other distributed ledger technologies, Linux, and SQL Server


Technology, cryptocurrency, artificial intelligence, robotics, quantum computing, hiking, chess, knitting, and baking


Drexel University

Sharon finished her successful first year of undergraduate studies with a 3.5 GPA and transferred to an institution closer to home due to her parent's illness.

Kutztown University

Sharon completed a Bachelor of Science degree on schedule despite the interruption of her father's illness and subsequent death during her undergraduate studies. She completed extensive Philosophy coursework in addition to her major coursework in Psychology and graduate cum laude.

Alvernia University

Due to concentrated focus and highly effective study habits completed Master's degree from start to finish in 16 months.


0 Projects Completed

Sharon is a cryptocurrency enthusiast who has written extensively on the topics of decentralized finance, distributed ledger technology, blockchain, hashgraph, and other related technologies. She also enjoys writing about the impact cryptocurrencies and crytoassets will have on the traditional financial industry, and her work appears on multiple industry-recognized digital publications.


0 Projects Completed

Sharon is a self-taught computer programmer who designed and programmed a strategy game to put her skills to the test, and it is still available in the Windows Play Store today. She has ghostwritten numerous technical articles including how-to guides and software reviews. Her favorite speciality is technical content writing about Linux, but she also has extensive technical writing experience too.


5 Projects Completed

Sharon's main experience includes article writing for digital publications, but she is available for eBooks, newsletter content, brochures, and press releases.

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