Articles on Wine, Beer, Spirits, Food & Beverage Industry, food and wine/beer/spirits pairings, public speaking/motivational speaking, wild game recipes, processing wild game, cooking wild game, Point of Sale pieces, product feature and benefit pieces, obituaries/eulogies, personal bio profiles, press releases, company profiles, pre and post event pieces, restaurant and bar reviews, case studies, emails, long form sales letters, blogs; we'll try just about anything once, and we'll do it again if we like it!
Working, family stuff, reading, gardening, hunting, hiking, camping, outdoor activities, cooking-especially wild game dishes, making unique smoked link sausages, firearms and reloading, target shooting, diy projects, carpentry, paleoanthropology, any and all history, travel, charities and religions/cultures.
Lee originally started college at UT Austin. After two semesters (39 hours), he transferred to SHSU and changed majors from Accounting to Journalism, and got married. Two years later, in the summer of 1977, he was preparing to graduate with a degree in Journalism when he found out he was going to be a dad. After several financial opportunity discussions with the dean of the Journalism department, he again changed majors, this time to Marketing, and graduated with a BBA in Marketing in May of 1978; with 180hrs total to his credit.
Lee founded one of the earliest wineries in Texas in 1983. He also founded a fine wine brokerage in 1989, representing premium and super premium wines from around the world, including France, Italy, Germany, Australia, South Africa, Chile, California, Washington, Oregon, and Texas. He also founded a Texas craft brewery in 2011 that won 30 Gold, 20 Silver, and 10 Bronze medals in a four year period (2014-2017) at both national and international levels.
Lee purchased the distribution rights to TravelHost Magazine in 2004 and operated it until 2012. It was a 72 page, quarterly magazine that went into carefully selected hotel rooms in the San Antonio/New Braunfels markets. Within six months, magazine distribution reached 15,000 rooms in the SA/NB area. Lee primarily focused his ads on small/independent businesses to help them target the 27 million tourists that visit the San Antonio Metro Area each year. Over eight years, he wrote hundreds of 100-250 word blurbs and lots of ad copy for his clients.
Lee earned a degree in Marketing from Sam Houston State University, but only lacks one three hour course in Photography to have a major in Journalism as well. He spent five years in the oilfield, selling oilfield equipment for drilling rigs, then founded one of the first wineries in Texas. A serial enterepreneur, he has founded seven small companies since 1981 (one financial, two manufacturing, one publishing, one vineyard, and two sales & marketing companies). He has over 40 years experience calling on accounts and exposing them to the various products that he has represented during that time period.
Lee has spent thousands of hours in the outdoors. He has become very proficient at "living off the land". Part of that entails being able to identify the proper materials to build a fire, to erect a shelter, and to find edible game, fruits, and vegetables in the field, while enjoying a modicum of comfort in the process.
Lee is an avid hunter/outdoorsman who has hunted over most of the Southwest United States, with a variety of firearms, ranging from shotguns for various bird species, .22 rifles for small game like rabbits and squirrels, and medium and large bore calibers for game like various deer, wild boar and antelope. He also reloads for his hunting rifles and has done so since he was a pre-teenager.