Sarah C
Writer #34448
Joined 10/30/2019
5 Star Rating
55 Projects
0 Endorsements
0 Elite Skills
Sarah began freelance writing for online companies in December 2010. Since then, she has worked for an online jewelry retailer, a niche magazine with a large internet presence, and a birding optics retailer. She's been involved in e-commerce for most of her life, starting with bidding sites in her teenage years. She maintains a small handmade shop when she's not writing blogs and other content for clients in a variety of industries.
Blog Post


Blog posts, e-commerce, SEO writing, social media posts, email newsletters


Knitting, crocheting, weaving, bird watching, acoustic guitar, yoga, meditation


Northern Arizona University

Sarah majored in anthropology and chose art history as her minor at Northern Arizona University in Flagstaff, Arizona. She was involved in the governance of her honors dorm and graduated cum laude in December 2010.


20 Projects Completed

Sarah often works with ecotourism companies and luxury apartment communities across the United States. Because of this, she's well-equipped to write compelling copy about travel destinations.


10 Projects Completed

Sarah has extensive experience in the hobby sphere. Her expertise ranges from DIY projects and fiber arts like knitting and crocheting to actively participating in the bird-watching industry.


5 Projects Completed

Sarah works extensively with the birding community. Selling binoculars is part of her day job. Because of this, she's become well-acquainted with the outdoor recreation sphere.


10 Projects Completed

Sarah is comfortable with writing long-form, article-length posts. Her researching skills ensure that the copy she writes is high-quality and rich in useful information.

Blog Post

10 Projects Completed

A lifelong blogger, Sarah is knowledgable about how to write in a voice that is both friendly and informative to craft effective blog posts.

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