Beauty writing
Skincare writing
Salon technology writing
Aesthetics writing
Technology writing
Startups writing
Health, wellness, organics writing
SaaS writing
AI writing
Artificial intelligence writing
Insurance writing
Website content
Blog posts
White papers
Positioning papers
Press releases
She was awarded a first-class master's degree in Creative Writing & English from Kingston University, UK, where she was selected to be personally mentored by Oscar-winning author and screenwriter, Hanif Kureishi.
As head of content at adio.org, a doctor-led website, Jo has written extensively on the benefits of a healthy diet, the right foods and supplements for longevity and the correct nutrition.
Jo has written for a number of clients and her projects include everything from website copy and blogs, to package and label copy.
Jo's extensive marketing career was in B2B, so she has written a number of business items, including feature articles, case studies, opinion pieces, press releases and more.
Jo's extensive background in marketing communications spans working in the IT, IT services, SaaS, and telecoms networking spaces.
Jo regularly writes for a leading health monitoring company and a number of lifestyle brands.
Jo has written for a number of beauty technology clients, offering FDA technology medical treatment devices for spas, salons and aesthetic clinics.
Jo writes content for one of the UKs leading warehouse storage associations and a leading storage and shopfitting company.
As head of content at adio.org, Jo helped produce and edit a 50,000 word healthy eating book led by a medical doctor, and a wealth of healthy recipes. She has also worked for clients in food manufacturing and delivery and is a keen home cook.
Jo is retained by a UK client providing connectivity for net zero energy projects worldwide.
Jo has written blog posts in the following industries (amongst others)
Alternative medicine
Beauty & skincare
Beauty technology