Andy has extensive experience writing well researched and engaging blog posts covering the current best practices in corporate performance management with a focus on remote working.
Andy is an enthusiastic reader of history, politics and psychology, with an emphasis on the psychology of persuasion. He also enjoys reading classic and modern literature (with a particular admiration for Dostoevsky) as well as watching films, with a focus on classic and art house releases.
As a believer in the concept of talent stacking, Andy spends much of his time learning new skills, including photography, filming and editing.
With a BA degree in history and Japanese literature from the university of Leeds, Andy's final year dissertations covered post-war Japanese cinema and post-war American cinema, discussing how they reflected the socio-political trends in the aftermath of the conflict. An additional dissertation on Japanese literature explored the work of Yukio Mishima, using Paul Schrader's film, Mishima: A Life in Four Chapters, as a framework.
Andy has written extensively about the entertainment industry, with hundreds of blog posts/list articles and news pieces covering video games, movies and music.
Writing business and management blog posts on company culture, performance management and HR administration challenges.
Writing blog posts for a startup company providing performance management and HR software, Andy has covered various aspects of management with a focus on performance, engagement, retention and company culture, including for companies dealing with an increase in remote workers.
Andy's games industry experience includes research and design documentation, in-game dialogue and text, app story copy, press releases, social media campaigns and app store optimization.
Andy has contributed hundreds of list-based articles covering the entertainment industry, as well as dozens of articles on the topic of performance management and corporate culture.
Andy has created and scheduled hundreds of Facebook posts for a variety of businesses, promoting services, running competitions and bringing attention to new updates.