Libby loves to write about a plethora of things including true crime, celebrities, antiques, pop culture, music, the paranormal, astrology, mindfulness, women’s health, green living, television shows, movies, dream analysis, music, Edgar Allan Poe, Dorothy Parker, the 60s, the 70s, the 80s, the 90s, American history, empathy, hair metal bands, religion, Memphis (her hometown), the Marine Corps, the US Navy, holidays and their history (especially Halloween), lean six sigma (lean 6 sigma), organization skills, and comic cons.
Libby loves to write about a plethora of things including celebrities, antiques, pop culture, music, the paranormal, astrology, mindfulness, women’s health, green living, television shows, movies, dream analysis, music, Edgar Allan Poe, Dorothy Parker, the 60s, the 70s, the 80s, the 90s, American history, empathy, hair metal bands, religion, Memphis (her hometown), the Marine Corps, the US Navy, holidays and their history (especially Halloween), lean six sigma (lean 6 sigma), organization skills, and comic cons.
Aside from writing, Libby also loves traveling to comic cons, meeting celebrities, scouring estate sales for vintage, one-of-a-kind goodies, and vegging on the sofa with a good movie or series (currently binging Stranger Things)
Libby graduated with a Bachelor of Arts in Human Development and Learning from Christian Brothers University. The combo major of sociology, education, and psychology has helped her understand what users really want to see in research and writing.
Completed a minimum of 17 credits in Journalism 300: Newswriting and Reporting, Journ 201: Introduction to Journalism, Journ 460: Journalism Ethics and two elective courses.
Libby has written several poker player profiles including Scotty Nguyen and Doyle Brunson. She has also written about several prominent casinos.
As a certified Lean 6 Sigma yellow belt (and later a green belt), she successfully completed 10 ITS projects and is currently working on 3 more.
Libby worked for three pop culture clients, contributing weekly articles. She was the sole blogger of reality television recaps (5+ shows per week for five years), a senior blogger of pop culture (8 blogs per week for six years), and a reality television blogger for Media Village (3 years).
Libby enjoys writing about the paranormal, dream interpretations, ghosts, ESP, psychics, astrology, and spooky places.
Libby enjoyed blogging about green living for Families.com for four years. The subject always interested her and researching new topics helped her lead a greener life.
Libby blogged for six years about reality television, green living, celebrity news, recipes, healthy living, and pop culture.
Libby has written articles about the paranormal, dream analysis, spooky things, and antiques for many clients throughout the years. Most were published online, but a few were print articles.