Carol Ann S
Writer #3310
Joined 5/28/2011
4 Star Rating
99% Success
762 Projects
17 Endorsements
5 Elite Skills
Carol retired from nursing in 2010, after working in various areas of nursing management. Since retiring, she found her new niche in freelance writing and enjoys spending most days learning new interest topics for her clients.

A nursing career gave her the expertise and experience needed to enter the freelance writing field on many other health and wellness issues. She began as a two-star author and is now rated as a four-star freelance writer. She is an editor on one writing site.

She has written over 3,000 paid and published articles equaling over two million words on many different subjects, including everything medical, diet orientated, fitness, wellness, the obesity crisis in America, and lifestyle changes.

This writer lends her expertise and knowledge to four writing sites working as an editor on one of these sites. Carol is a researcher and frequently steps out of the medical arena into topics of interest to her clients, such as a wide variety of law topics, car repairs, heating, and A/C, real estate, plumbing, electrical systems, all forms of insurance, roofing, sewer lines and plumbing, and more.

Carol is a published author for a biography of a family member and an honored WWII veteran. She also wrote a family cookbook and her latest book in process, "A Crazy Cat Lady." These last two books are works in progress.

Carol believes that you are never too old to learn new things, and that life itself is a learning process. She found that freelance writing takes her onto many different and exciting paths.


The years Carol spent in various nursing fields allow her to gather a wealth of information and experience in those areas. The medical field is her expertise because of spending over 40 years in that field. She opens her mind to many other fields of interest to each client.

You must love the career you chose, and hopefully, you love it enough to make it a lifetime of learning. Carol loved her nursing job and serving her many patients throughout the last 40 years.

She enjoys researching what practices have the most significant impact on the human body. For instance, is it traditional/conventional medicine or one of the many holistic care varieties available to everyone today that benefits the body best?

Traditional medicine has come a long way over the centuries, and no one can argue that conventional medicine saves lives. However, so does the more natural route to health and wellness without all the side effects of synthetic medications.

Natural treatments and herb therapies once were thought pure quackery. Traditional doctors are now embracing natural medicine, and these two industries are working together to benefit the patient.

Holistic care triggered a new interest in health and wellness for Carol. It demanded she takes a more in-depth look at physical fitness, vitamins, minerals, fad diets, nutrition, fast foods, obesity in America, smoking, alcohol, herbs, and the over 200 alternative therapies that do not have the nasty side effects that conventional medicine and treatments frequently display.

She found that the natural route to healing took care of underlying illnesses, while traditional medicine relieved the disease's symptoms.


Carol has another passion for learning and researching other topics of interest to various clients outside of the medical field.

She enjoys expanding her knowledge of careers, jobs, and issues that clients need writing. Some examples of topics she has research and learned about are as follows.

. The many branches of different law topics
. Pluming
. The Electrical Field
. Sewage Problems and their solutions
. Hospitality Industry
. B2B
. Small Businesses
. The Wide Variety of the Insurance Field
. Pets, Mainly Dogs and Cats
. Fitness
. Relationships
. Travel
. Banking, Finances

In addition to medicine, Carol and her husband enjoy traveling. Although she has done all her traveling across America, it does not stop her from researching far-away destinations abroad.

Carol has two grandchildren. She enjoys spending time with her children and grandkids and experiencing new adventures.

She loves to garden, harvest vegetables, herbs and enjoys the dehydration process used on many food types. Carol enjoys cooking and baking and tries to use some of this time teaching her grandkids about the kitchen. In many instances, the children end up teaching her. Never think that you are too old to learn new and exciting things.

She enjoys writing about various topics of interest for her clients. If there is such a thing, downtime can include cross-stitch, needlework, garage sales, and bargain shopping.

She is active in church and is involved in the church's prayer chain. She also volunteers time at the local food bank.


Jackson Communiuty College

Carolann has been a nurse for 43 years and retired in 2010. She doesn't hold a degree in nutrition or dietary, however, she's had years of experience working with dietary departments, doctors and patients.

Local hospital

Carolann was consistently in nursing for 37 years; had a children's daycare with a pre-school program for six years; I had a small resale shop


320 Projects Completed

Several paid articles in the field of insurance. Researched several different states for car insurance. Several paid articles have been written on health insurance and the forthcoming changes in our health system. Dental, and vision insurance policies have been researched. Articles on various life insurance policies and the importance of these policies and the differences between whole life and term life.


85 Projects Completed

Money is one of the two downfalls of marriages and individuals. Too much debt and not enough income. Debt consolidation, special help for SSD and SS individuals, pathways towards debt-free living. Researched many articles on how the United States and the UK handle programs available to the financial challenges of individuals in this current economy.


82 Projects Completed

Carolann owned a children's daycare with a preschool program for eight years. Years later, she opened up an upper-scale resale shop, in addition to nursing, until health forced the shop's closing. Both endeavors required at least one employee. Carolann has been a freelance writer for over one year since she retired in 2010 from nursing. Her freelance writing is her third business venture over the last 40+ years. She has written over 50 articles for different businesses.


71 Projects Completed

Having been a nurse for over 40 years, anything related to the health and well-being of people sparks an interest. Proper nutrition on a daily basis can add years to a person's life or the continued lack of proper nutrition can take away years from a person's life. It is of utmost importance that people, when and if willing, will educate themselves and others about adding years of life to properly feed the body.


64 Projects Completed

She has been involved in feline rescue and has had felines in our home for the past 20 years. Her family has a soft spot for forgotten pets or pets who have a family but certainly lack family involvement.

Her family's heart goes out to all the pets thrown to the wayside. They continue to try to help as many as we can possibly help, giving each and every one the special love and attention they may not be receiving elsewhere, and at home if need be.

They have been through many crisis situations, surgeries, and medications to speed recovery. She has researched brands of foods, vaccinations, and more. She is well-versed in the care of the feline populace.

She plans on writing her second book soon. This book is a creative book on her life with felines since 1991 and how she became a cat momma.


47 Projects Completed

Our family has been into fitness through weightlifting and exercise for over 40 years. Being into weight lifting for this long means the person must be well versed in the do's and don'ts of lifting weights. They have to have a certain knowledge of vitamins, diet, and supplements regarding what is good or not. With two family members into weight-lifting, they are a professional source for any author, relating helpful hints to the beginner, intermediate, or advanced weight lifter. They say that experience brings a wealth of wisdom.


28 Projects Completed

Marriage relationships are of interest to this writer. As part of a marriage relationship for over 40 years, we strongly believe that communication can make or break a relationship. As a couple who were team leaders at one time for Interfaith Marriage Encounter, there were many married couples who were able to patch up differences and see a great improvement in their marriage relationship through improved verbal communication. The sole purpose was to teach written and verbal communication techniques to married couples of all age groups and all lengths of marriage relationships. This organization's goals were to improve good marriages and help reconnect challenged marriages through improved communication.


23 Projects Completed

Being a nurse for so many years has brought the subject of obesity in America and especially in children to the top of my favorite writing subjects. Research on what has gone wrong in America and how this problem can be corrected is one of the most important subjects these days. It is important to bring as much information to the public as possible.


22 Projects Completed

Several paid articles have been completed on the hospitality industry. A variety of hotels, bed, and breakfast inns, and inns in the United States and overseas. The best of the best accommodations. Convention center events and accommodations nearby. Hotels located in the center of activity or in the travelers' location of interest.


20 Projects Completed

Learning marketing skills for any business owner can be a challenging feat. Unfortunately, this is part of the business that will make the business a success. There are varied ways in which to market one's services or products and without the right marketing skills it could destroy the foundation of one's business.


This writer does not have any industry experience listed on their profile.

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