Presentations, press releases, speeches, and web pages. Jean sometimes finds it easier to write long pieces than short blogs.
Business topics except leadership. Jean writes about leadership for her own materials.
Jean started at North Carolina State University in programming in August 1980. After one semester, she realized that art was her passion. She had been selling paintings since she was sixteen. She transferred to Meredith College the following fall. Her studies at Meredith included photography, graphics, interior design, pottery, and painting. She completed her degree in August 1983.
Most of Jean’s website clients are small mom and pop businesses. The sites she’s built for them have mostly been only a handful of pages. Some contain photo galleries. She’s also worked with WordPress and Google Sites. Her biggest and most complicate client is herself. Her experience with her family’s large website includes working with PHP, Perl, HTML, CSS, Bootstrap and MySQLi.
Jean has self-published multiple books via self-publishing platforms (BookSurge, CreateSpace, and Kindle). With each platform, she created the finished product to be uploaded. She solicited help as needed from her family and friends for proofing and some of the images. She purchased back cover and marketing text for two of her books. (She was so dissatisfied with one of them that she rewrote it.) Jean has also helped proof content for others.
Jean has designed websites for herself and others. Most of her work in the marketing industry beyond that has been for her own products and services. This includes newsletters, social media banners, book covers, marketing text for her books, descriptions and photos for her eBay listings, blogs, posts, tweets, online profiles, images with quotes (for posts), social media comments, and content curating (posted with commentary).
Jean wrote a 700+ word article for Alamance Magazine. It appeared in the January 2012 issue. She was told that the article inspired the cover that month. The editor changed very little of her submitted version. She was given full credit for article complete with contact information and a short call to action.
Jean enjoys business topics. She writes and speaks on leadership. Her personal style is to write and speak as if her reader were standing in front of her. As a plagiarism accusation prevention, she does not offer leadership writing to her clients except for those seeking to give her attribution because she is concerned that she may accidentally repeat content and ideas from her personal works. The sample is from one of her books.
Jean has run ads with both Google AdWords and Facebook. On Facebook, the ads that create the most leads are those that tell a story. She has experimented with different images, different text, and different targets. Over time, Jean learned to capture those leads and create a list that she could re-target.