Angela B
Writer #32516
Joined 6/14/2019
4 Star Rating
100% Success
1,476 Projects
4 Endorsements
0 Elite Skills
Angela is a creative, well-rounded freelancer with over 10 years of experience in both writing and editing. She has driven content for hospitals, non-profits, counseling centers, publishing companies, and businesses. Angela has guest blogged about the freelancing life on the popular blog The Work at Home Woman, written for local magazines, and has a book available on Amazon.

After receiving her Bachelor's of Education from Stephen F. Austin State University in Texas, Angela taught 2nd graders for eight years. In 2008, she then pursued her dream of writing and began working as the editor of Cy-Fair Magazine. She has since helped Cy-Fair Hospital as its marketing assistant, American Artists & Writers Inc as a virtual assistant, and managed the social media and blog of Hand to Hold, a non-profit helping preemie parents. Angela now freelances entirely from home in Houston and has added graphic design to her list of talents.

In her downtime, Angela enjoys reading, baking, and rescuing animals. She is a mom of two, one with special needs, and strives to teach them that anything is possible with effort and focus.
Radio Spot
Product Description
Blog Post
White Paper
Facebook Post
Press Release
10 More


content marketing, social media content, blog posts, magazine articles, graphics, press releases, web content, SEO, newsletters, research-based writing, idea generation, content planning, proofreading, and editing


mental health, education, social media, marketing, writing, pets, parenting, special needs, family, home, healthcare, entertainment


Stephen F. Austin State University

Angela received her degree in Interdisciplinary Studies with a focus on special education and reading. This degree provided her with the ability to teach K-8 general education and special education. She was also certified in ESL.


147 Projects Completed

As the marketing assistant for a local hospital, Angela wrote newsletters, press releases, blog articles, and handled social media for the client. She also helped develop and design marketing materials.


117 Projects Completed

Angela was an educator for 8 years and has written various blog posts and magazine articles on educational aspects.


52 Projects Completed

As the virtual marketing assistant to the head of a publishing company, Angela worked on press releases, marketing materials, job boards, articles, and published products.

Non Profit

50 Projects Completed

Angela has helped both a counseling center and a preemie/NICU non-profit that assisted parents. As the blog manager for Hand to Hold, she oversaw the content and social media calendar, collaborated on marketing efforts, managed writers, edited content, and planned online chats with parents and professionals.


49 Projects Completed

Angela has written for Motorbiscuit as well as completing various web product descriptions and comparisons for car companies.


27 Projects Completed

Angela is a ghostwriter for a site where she writes all sorts of celebrity news.


16 Projects Completed

Angela has written for a few pet blogs on topics such as kayaking with your dog, what to do if your dog is stung by a bee, and how to prep your apartment for pets.

CBD Products

3 Projects Completed

Angela has written blog posts on the topic of CBD products and has personal experience with the topic as her daughter takes CBD oil for epilepsy.

Twitter Post

266 Projects Completed

As a social media manager for a hospital and non-profit, Angela has been in charge of Facebook, Twitter, and Pinterest. She has posted as well and managed chats and lives. She has also been hired to write Pinterest content for a food company and Twitter and Facebook posts for a social media company's clients.

Facebook Post

254 Projects Completed

As a social media manager for a hospital and non-profit, Angela has been in charge of Facebook, Twitter, and Pinterest. She has posted as well and managed chats and lives. She has also been hired to write Pinterest content for a food company and Twitter and Facebook posts for a social media company's clients.

Blog Post

174 Projects Completed

Angela maintains her own blog but has also guest posted and ghostwritten for various business, marketing, education, and parenting blogs.

Product Description

144 Projects Completed

Angela has done product descriptions for jewelry companies, furniture companies, adult novelty companies, and lawn care companies. She also has experience from her time selling retail clothing from her home and posting descriptions online.

Web Page

64 Projects Completed

Angela has written content for a few clients whose needs included landing pages and/or product pages, including a dentist and a nursing-related website.


50 Projects Completed

Angela has written for various magazines and publications on topics such as education, parenting, mental health, pregnancy and loss, and small business.

Newsletter Content

28 Projects Completed

While working at the local hospital, Angela was responsible for the community and the separate staff newsletter. She has also done newsletters for her business in the past.

Press Release

26 Projects Completed

Angela has written press releases for numerous businesses including a hospital, a publishing company, and several businesses.


5 Projects Completed

Angela has written several variations of web bios for individuals, a web bio in long and short copy for a business, and a personal website bio for an artist.

White Paper

2 Projects Completed

Angela has written two white papers for the nursing field on the topics of National Nurses Week and how to attract and retain nurses.

Radio Spot

1 Projects Completed

While only one job has been done for this type of work, Angela enjoyed the challenge of only 75 words.


1 Projects Completed

Angela has written an eBook that is published on Amazon under her name. The topic was concerning bed rest during a difficult pregnancy and how to cope.

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