Rhonda D
Writer #3116
Joined 5/13/2011
5 Star Rating
99% Success
932 Projects
13 Endorsements
1 Elite Skills
Rhonda has more than 20 years of deadline journalism and freelance writing experience. As a writer for a daily newspaper she was honored to receive Associated Press Awards. Her freelance experience includes writing for a college alumni magazine, and the 50-year-history of a Texas television station. Rhonda currently writes for several different websites, and is proud to have more than 450 articles published through WriterAccess with no missed deadlines or refusals. Her articles have been published by many newspapers, including The Dallas Morning News, USA Today, Houston Chronicle, Examiner Houston, and The American News Report. She has also written many travel and health articles for eHow, LiveStrong and an inspirational blog for MyOneSource.
Real Estate
Blog Post
3 More


Rhonda writes extensively on many subjects, with more than 200 articles for law firms regarding news articles related to their legal specialties, as well as many others for travel, health, real estate and finance websites and news publications . She also produces website copy for many small businesses.


Rhonda loves to write articles that have a slant on current events or news worthy topics that are of real-life interest and benefit to the reader. Her interests include cooking and traveling.


Angelina College/Trinity University

Rhonda has a college degree in communication and business administration. She was hired as a daily news reporter the day before college graduation in 1990.


260 Projects Completed

Rhonda currently produces content for attorneys, legal websites and law firms. With a background in journalism, much of her time was spent covering crime on the street and trials in city, district and federal courtrooms. She has an excellent grasp on how the legal system works. She has also worked closely with members of the State Board of Education to produce articles on new legislation on school policy.


114 Projects Completed

The article below, "Women Are More Susceptible To Pain Than Men," was written for The American News Journal and published in the January 25, 2011 edition. The article summarizes a study on pain issues between the genders.


62 Projects Completed

Rhonda has written for several websites that are specific to the travel industry. She loves to travel and creating interesting articles on top vacation spots, industry trends and interesting things to see and do for discriminating travelers who want the best. The paragraph below is part of the article published by USA Today.


39 Projects Completed

The articles Rhonda has written for the finance and banking industry mostly are of interests to banking and real estate professionals who want to stay updated on industry news and trends, rates and real estate financing requirements. The paragraph below was written for a customer who requested an article on "USB Trader Arrested For Investment Fraud."


35 Projects Completed

This article was published by USA Today highlighting the industry in Key West, Florida and the businesses that offer their services to travelers. Rhonda has written many hospitality articles describing the services of fine hotels and resorts, as well as travel articles that point the descerning traveler in the direction of relaxation and luxury.


29 Projects Completed

Rhonda has written many articles on travel and recreation. Most were written for LiveStrong.com, or published by eHow or USA Today. the article below was published by USA Today in the Travel section. It outlines RV parks in Key West, Florida with a summary of great activities in the area for the traveler who likes to stay busy.

Real Estate

22 Projects Completed

Published by eHow. com, Rhonda wrote the article below on the "Oil Leases in San Augustine County, Texas." It defines the rights of the property owner and the owner of the property's mineral rights. The process that the oil and gas compay goes through and why it is important to have an attorney oversee the landowner's interests are included for the reader to gain a thorough understanding of this important issue.


19 Projects Completed

The paragraph below is part of an article written as a product description on the customer's website. Rhonda has written several of these types of articles that successfully promote a product. The articles are descriptive in nature, factual and will interest any prospective buyer to shop.


14 Projects Completed

The paragraph below is an intro into an article Rhonda wrote titled, "Is Hollywood Perpetuating Stereotypes?" She has also written several blogs on news articles pertaining to famous people, including celebrity chef Paula Deen.


2 Projects Completed

The article below was written by Rhonda and entitled "The Duke Ellington School Of The Arts." Written as a descriptive article, it outlines the courses and all that this special place of learning can offer every child.


1 Projects Completed

Rhonda wrote this premier blog for WriterAccess in March, 2011 entitled "What Bloggers Need To Remember About Libel." The article explains the recent ruling made in the "Obsidian Finance Corp. vs. Cox" and details the issues of why bloggers need to be alert to the issues of defamation of character.

Blog Post

279 Projects Completed

Legal blogs based on current news stories is a specialty of Rhonda's. With the journalism background that she has, the blog is written in AP style and includes the facts of each story. The blogs have been used by many law firms depending on their area of law, whether criminal, divorce, DWI, asset-based, or elder law. The paragraph below is a part of a recent article written by Rhonda and published by The American News Journal, March 1, 2012 edition entitled "FDA Revises Safety Warnings For Statins."

Web Page

56 Projects Completed

Rhonda produces content for many small business sites, including new businesses that are creating websites. Updating pages within a website has also been a project for many clients.

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