Reviews, articles, blogs, thinkpieces, product descriptions
Video games, reading, writing, food, Disney Parks, young adult fiction, comic books, Marvel comics, film, television
Brandon studied at Arizona State University for four consecutive years, graduating with a bachelor's degree in Film and Media Studies; he likens it to a literature degree in new media, with forays into screenwriting. Much of his studies centered on the impact of media on society and vice-versa, from representation of minorities onscreen and the impact such representation can have to the legacies of classic and cult shows, as well as the way media enters our pop culture lexicon. He's a bit of a geek when it comes to discussing film, finding careful critique to be one of the highest forms of praise for any given piece of media.
Brandon has been published across multiple internet publications, with his work focusing on television and comic books more than film. He specializes in critically analyzing theme and motif, as well as any given text's reflection of society, and likes to do so with a dose of humor and humility: after all, media can have an incredible impact on people, but ultimately is a way for humanity to play pretend.
He has been freelance writing about television and video games for over 5 years.
Brandon's experience with games writing dovetails nicely with his work in the entertainment industry. His reviews and articles about video games have been published by The State Press and The Mary Sue, as well as The Rainbow Hub.
With the interactive element of gaming such a big part of player experience, Brandon's reviews try to balance informative passages about gameplay and format with his opinions on plot development and playability, all while striving to avoid spoiling potential players. His expertise isn't limited to reviews, though; several of his thinkpieces on video games and their impact on society have been published as well.
He has been freelance writing about television and video games for over 5 years.
In addition to his work as a freelance writer and editor, Brandon is the social media manager at Wander Back Photography, an Arizona-based wedding photography studio. While much of his work for Wander Back is running their Instagram page with the appropriate captions and hashtags, he also writes and edits blog posts for each couple that orders a wedding or engagement shoot, as well as posts about photography and weddings in general.
Brandon was employed as an opinions columnist at The State Press. His opinions are backed not only by his own experiences and observations, but also by fact: any articles he writes will link back to the relevant facts, whether it's a piece including scientific studies, an article that is backed up by statistics, or something that refers to what a celebrity or personality has Tweeted.
The majority of Brandon's paid work has been dedicated to blog and social media posts, informational articles, and reviews. That being said, he excels in fiction, with a short story and novel currently on spec and several more of each in the works. His degree in Film and Media Studies makes him uniquely suited to fiction-writing, whether it's prose or screenplays: he understands the importance of genre and the history that informs it, but also recognizes that playing with genre is one way to craft an excellent piece of fiction, rather than playing solely by the rules.