The three primary types of composition Heather specializes in are: 1) Distilling technical information into language easily understood by the general public; 2) Essays/Articles on a single topic or multiple related topics; and 3) Step by step directions for both technical procedures and self-help methods.
Heather's interests include reading, particularly in the genres of real science, science fiction, fantasy, spirituality, self-help and biographies. She is interested in adoption, as an adoptive parent of two children with special needs, the entire field of adoption has become an interest to her, both the good and the bad. She enjoys spending time outside with her children, and coming up with ways to facilitate thier participation in events that are challenging to them due to their disabilites. She is interested in the Law of Attraction movement, herbal and holistic alternative medicine and therapies, and the mind-body connection. Heather currently lives in the mountains, and is interested in the beauty and solitude of the mountains, as well as small town life, and the recreational opportunites available. Spirituality, awareness, consciousness, and God are also topics that Heather explores Cooking and enjoying good food take a portion of her interest, as well, as movies, playing board games, having coffee and conversations with friends and family, and writing reviews of books and movies.
Heather worked her way through college, taking breaks to earn money to pay for a private, top notch college. She was able to explore a number of subjects. Her major was Biology, and in addition to numerous biology courses, she took many courses in chemistry, physics, and mathematics. She also had a lot of other interests, which she was able to explore through electives, primarily taking course in Biblical studies, philosophy, and history. She participated in a number of outreach and ministry oriented clubs on campus as well.
Heather completed the first half of the courseload required for a Master's in Biology before the arrival of her second son, whose high level of medical needs required her full attention. The program was a distance learning Master's program (non-thesis) funded by the NSF.
Heather worked for over ten years in biological research, both for industry and at an Ivy League University. This work resulted in being the primary author on one research paper, and contributing author on five others, all published in peer reviewed journals.
Heather has written numerous articles about the topic of spirituality and realted issues, primarily published on Associated Content and She also maintains a website focusing on connecting to the Powerful Consciousness that is God, as well as a blog detailing her day to day life. Additionally this writer has lead workshops, retreats, and small group meetings through a church, as well as been a guest preacher in the past. She enjoys sharing her beliefs and what she has learned from her own personal study and individual experience with Spirtuality.
Articles posted in Associated Content, all with paid amounts, on a vareity of subjects.