Craig's specialties are technical documentation including users' guides, quick start and instruction guides. Craig is an excellent domestic and international political writer. Craig is proficient in SEO optimization for social media and web pages. Craig can design infographics, and is proficient in graphs, tables and charts using Microsoft Excel. Craig understands advanced concepts in in the business, legal, medical industries. Craig is an expert in “Plain Writing.” These skills enable Craig to translate complex information into simple technical documents and informational guides. He's experience includes writing sales copy, business documentation, web design and programming languages such as Markdown, Bash and basic Ruby.
Craig's interests include political science, geopolitics, , Technical Analysis, Cultural Dynamics and Analysis, Social Media, Business finance and technology. Craig can read financial reports.
Craig studied Psychology and Creative Writing, achieving an AAS.
The International Studies track includes 4 years of Spanish. The track covers global economics and geopolitics. The Political Science Dept. track covered courses in Democracy, Comparative Studies of Latin American Politics, and American Government. Students engaged with Professors in Independent Study courses, including Game Theory and Statistics.
Craig's produced content for medical websites including MRI labs, optometrists, dentists, and small general practice clinics.
As a technical writer, Craig's published quickstart guides, users manuals, and white papers.
Craig developed copy for brochures for financial products. He's designed graphics for financial statements. He's also written blog posts for beneficial long term investing.
Craig has authored a community technology news letter. The newsletter included advertisments and infographics.
Craig has designed and developed attractive copy for UBER sponsored events.
Craig's written articles for e-cigarette products. He's written promotional for the benefits of vaping over smoking tobacco products.
Craig designs brief tribute article of notables and media personalities. He's a membership in the Wiki Editor community. This involves evaluation, editing, and collaboration of articles to reach standards set by the Wiki community. Craig regularly performs proper sourcing formatting and attention to detail. Many tributes require adaptation of a personal story, requiring Craig to conduct personal interviews. Craig earned a Project Management certification in 2011, adding to his skills as a technical writer. Craig interprets the language of designers and engineers leading to the production of highly accurate documents and workflow documentation with stakeholder approval.