There is little that Casey hasn't explored through his writing but, due to his medical background, he has a knack for medically related pieces. Casey does not, however, limit himself to one area.
Personally, my interests are forensic, crime, and (emergency) medical programs and documentaries; animals; fishing; tropical cruises, and more.
Casey studied music, theater, writing, and more for two years at the University of Wisconsin Center Waukesha County.
Though not sure of the dates anymore, Casey studied to be an EMT at the Milwaukee Area Technical College - South. He received a Nationally Registered EMT-Basic certification for his efforts. Later, Casey became certified in the next grade available: EMT - Intermediate, which involved injections and the starting of IVs. Eventually, Casey worked in a Milwaukee Emergency Dept. as an ER - Tech.
Casey has written for plastic surgeons, dental clinics, and general practitioners. These have been both informative and promotional. Key words were needed for all pieces (blogs and web pages) with hyperlinking.
Quick turnaround times were required on most. Every piece is run through not only Copyscape but Grammarly before being submitted.
Casey has NEVER turned in a project late and, most of the time, is actually early with his submissions.
Casey has written for numerous travel sites – both gay and straight. These pieces have been informative and sometimes promotional. Key words were needed for all pieces (blogs and web pages) with hyperlinking.
Quick turnaround times were required on most. Every piece is run through not only Copyscape but Grammarly before being submitted.
Casey has NEVER turned in a project late and, most of the time, is actually early with his submissions.
Casey has written for manufacturers, wholesalers, retailers, and estate buyers. These pieces have been both informative and promotional. Key words were needed for all pieces (blogs and web pages) with hyperlinking.
Quick turnaround times were required on most. Every piece is run through not only Copyscape but Grammarly before being submitted.
Casey has NEVER turned in a project late and, most of the time, is actually early with his submissions.
Casey has written for numerous sites, businesses, and writing services. These pieces have been informative and sometimes promotional. Research was done both independently and through sources recommended by the client. Key words were needed for all pieces (blogs and web pages) with hyperlinking.
Quick turnaround times were required on most. Every piece is run through not only Copyscape but Grammarly before being submitted.
Casey has NEVER turned in a project late and, most of the time, is actually early with his submissions.
Casey has written for web sites, companies, and more. These pieces have been either news worthy or generally informative. Research was done both independently and through sources recommended by the client. Independent research consisted of online sources or by direct observation while physically visiting an event, location, business, etc.
Quick turnaround times were required on most. Every piece is run through not only Copyscape but Grammarly before being submitted.
Casey has NEVER turned in a project late and, most of the time, is actually early with his submissions.
Casey has experience with press releases and other business publications. White pages, web site pages, SEOs, blogs, direct mailing letters, grants... you name it.
Quick turnaround times are available on most pieces. Every piece is run through not only Copyscape but Grammarly before being submitted.
Casey has NEVER turned in a project late and, most of the time, is actually early with his submissions.