Randi R
Writer #26266
Joined 6/9/2018
5 Star Rating
100% Success
5,045 Projects
0 Endorsements
0 Elite Skills
Professional journalist since 1983, with experience in online and print publications. MBA, master of arts in Christian education, and BS in journalism.
White Paper
Press Release
Blog Post
14 More


finance and business journalism, real estate, technology, education, religious topics


business and finance, religious topics, travel, pets


Virginia Commonwealth University

Randi earned a degree in mass communications at Virginia Commonwealth University, where she served on the newspaper staff and as a president of the student chapter of the Society of Professional Journalist.

The College of William and Mary

Randi received a master of business administration from The College of William and Mary. She took courses in human resources, general management, marketing, finance and economics.

Virginia Theological Seminary

Randi received a master of arts in Christian education from Virginia Theological Seminary. The 54-credit master's program includes the core courses required of all seminary students as well as 30 credits of education courses.

Bexley-Seabury Seminary

Working toward a doctor of ministry in congregational leadership and development.

Real Estate

406 Projects Completed

Randi has written blog posts, video scripts, and articles on real estate for educational institutions, Web sites and newspapers.


400 Projects Completed

She has written blogs and articles for a variety of well-known finance and money sites.


172 Projects Completed

Randi, MBA, has written extensively on business topics for several print and online publications primarily targeted toward owners of small-and medium-sized businesses including Zacks, Chron Small Business, and Arizona Central. She has written articles in all functional areas including human resources, operations, management, marketing and strategy.


140 Projects Completed

Randi has written blogs, articles, and Web page content on several consumer health care topics.


116 Projects Completed

Randi, MBA, is an experienced journalist who has written several articles on banking and financial topics for general interest publications, financial sites and for small business sites.


110 Projects Completed

Randi is an Episcopal priest and journalist, who holds a master's degree in Christian education and has done additional theological studies beyond that degree. She has written several articles, newsletter posts, presentations and in-depth papers on a variety of theological, faith formation and personal spirituality topics.


101 Projects Completed

Randi, an experienced journalist, small business owner, and former Fortune 500 executive, has written several articles and blog posts on human resources and staffing issues.


101 Projects Completed

She has written blogs and short stories on a variety of career topics for several well-known e-magazines and Web sites.


88 Projects Completed

Randi has considerable experience with technology topics, having written articles for major periodicals, such as Tech Republic, and blogs for Web sites in this field.


71 Projects Completed

She has written heavily researched, long-form articles on various medical and mental health topics for several Web sites and other media.


62 Projects Completed

Randi, MBA, has written several personal finance and banking articles aimed at consumers, both young and experienced. She has covered basic topics such as opening a checking account or managing credit, as well as more sophisticated topics such as investing in the stock market, rolling over a 401k or finding efficient ways to pass wealth along to one's children.


56 Projects Completed

Randi has written several long-form, heavily researched articles on mental health issues


43 Projects Completed

She is an experienced writer, teacher, and college professor.


38 Projects Completed

Randi has written articles and blog posts on insurance topics for publications such as Zach's and Pocketsense.


15 Projects Completed

She has considerable knowledge of child development. She is a parent. She has also written several articles and blogs on various parenting topics.


10 Projects Completed

Randi has written articles for major trade magazines, such as Tech Republic, on ecommerce.


9 Projects Completed

She has written several articles and blogs for and about the SaaS industry.


5 Projects Completed

She has written several articles, many for SEO, regarding cryptocurrency trading. Several of these have appeared as ghostwritten articles in trade publications; others have been aimed at consumers.


1,472 Projects Completed

In her more than 30 years as a journalist, Randi has written more than 1,000 articles on a variety of topics for print and online media. These include specialty publications, such as the American Indian Report and Zack's, as well as general publications. As a retired Fortune 500 executive and MBA, she has written many business and financial articles.

Blog Post

1,230 Projects Completed

Randi has written several blogs primarily for business-to-business clients. She has particular expertise in business and financial blogs.

Newsletter Content

150 Projects Completed

Randi wrote all the content for several Native American legal and political newsletters for more than five years. She also has written articles for human resources and religious newsletters.


123 Projects Completed

Randi has completed several video scripts, most of them for the real estate industry.

Press Release

117 Projects Completed

As a public relations professional with more than 20 years experience, Randi has written press releases for various organizations and institutions. Her press releases have been successful in generating interest from the media, which has ultimately resulted in news stories for her clients appearing in national media.

White Paper

10 Projects Completed

Randi is an excellent researcher and writer of white papers, especially on business and Christian spirituality topics. She holds master's degrees in business and Christian education, as well as having completed additional theological and spiritual studies toward ordination. She has written papers for use in a variety of settings, including presentations at symposia and encouragement of investment of time or money in a particular enterprise or cause.

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