Julia P
Writer #25807
Joined 4/29/2018
5 Star Rating
100% Success
1,823 Projects
3 Endorsements
0 Elite Skills
Julia has been writing for most of her adult life. She has written professionally as a technical writer for manufacturing company. Julia created and maintained a multitude of postings on her own blog for health, nutrition and mental wellness. She creatively engages her reader to feel empowered and to come back and read more. Julia has a unique approach to fitness and nutrition that makes the reader feel positive about starting or maintaining a fitness and nutrition plan.

Julia’s past work experience has been in retail and merchandising, marketing, engineering and government. Julia has extensive experience using Surfer SEO. She is skilled at crafting writing that highlights proper and effective SEO usage.

Julia has written poetry and short stories for over 25 years. She has a Bachelor of Science degree in communications with a concentration in web and graphic design.

Julia’s goal is to continue to write meaningful and insightful content that maintains the highest quality all the while keeping her readers engaged.
CBD Products
1 More


Nutrition, fitness and overall positive and healthy mental well being are of the utmost importance to Julia. She writes about them extensively, including posts to her own blog.

Julia provides transcription services for a company where she comes into contact with a multitude of different people and maintains the highest quality and customer service.

Julia has worked for almost 20 years as a civil servant for a Federal Agency. In that time, she has created hundreds of presentations and written just as many business documents and white papers.

Julia worked in retail and spent much of that time merchandising products. Her expertise in this area contributes to her writing about retail, marketing and merchandising.

Julia has substantial knowledge of Engineering documents and drawings as she worked in the field for a number of years. She is familiar with various types of engineering, such as, Civil, Mechanical and Topography.


Julia is interested in exercise, fitness and nutrition. She is highly motivated and does some form of physical activity every day. She also has a balanced approach towards nutrition.

She is a music buff. She loves all types and kinds of music spanning all genres. When she isn't writing poetry or other types of writing, she can usually be found reading.


Wilmington University

Julia received a degree in Advanced Communication, which encompasses various forms from written communication to visual communication. She studied how to design and build a website, along with creating graphics. She learned how to use words and phrases to enhance visuals.


363 Projects Completed

I have written many blogs and articles on various car topics. They have ranged from a detailed description of specific cars to a list of the best cars in a specific category. I have written detailed articles on refurbishing or redesigning cars. My articles have been specific to car enthusiasts who really enjoyed details about cars, as well as high level overviews of many cars that anyone can enjoy.


306 Projects Completed

I have written numerous blogs and articles on money and budgeting. I am well versed in the best ways to budget money and save for the future. I have written detailed articles on how to create a budget, which includes the best ways to get out of debt. My articles are easy to read and understand. They are intended for all audiences, no matter how much money you have. My goal is to help others gain a better understanding of money and take control of it, instead of letting their money control them.


120 Projects Completed

I have written many business articles highlighting various aspects of business. I have updated articles including employee satisfaction and retention. I have updated articles about telephony systems and how to improve them. My articles have also included information about proper use of Google applications and many other applications that are used in businesses.


42 Projects Completed

Julia created and maintained a fitness and nutrition blog. In her blog, she wrote about the importance of making healthy choices and following a fitness program. She was not preachy and did not talk down to people. Julia always found ways to be encouraging and engaging, so that her readers would feel empowered to make good choices. She understands how difficult it is to always make good nutritional choices. Julia did not make her readers feel badly about making bad choices, but encouraged them to continue, even when they didn't always make the best choice.


21 Projects Completed

I have written blogs for construction and landscape companies that highlight the work they provide to their customers. I explain all the different processes that are available to customers in a way that makes it appealing and desirable to any potential customer.


19 Projects Completed

I have written articles, blogs and FAQs about appliances for the home. I have written comparison articles around the top types of appliances within certain categories. I have created papers that describe the pros and cons of each to give readers a perspective about the appliances so they can make the best decisions for themselves.


8 Projects Completed

Julia created and maintained a fitness and nutrition blog. In her blog, she wrote about the importance of making healthy choices and following a fitness program. She was not preachy and did not talk down to people. Julia always found ways to be encouraging and engaging, so that her readers would feel empowered to make good choices. She understands how difficult it is to always make good nutritional choices. Julia did not make her readers feel badly about making bad choices, but encouraged them to continue, even when they didn't always make the best choice.

CBD Products

5 Projects Completed

I have written articles about the benefits of CBD products for people and pets. I highlight the positive side of CBD products while breaking down all the misinformation about them. My articles are easy to read and readers on any level can understand and relate to them.


5 Projects Completed

I have written content for gambling and casino websites. I have written all the content for the entire website that is centered completely around online casinos. I have written them in a way that is fun and engaging which makes everyone want to come back to these websites for online gambling.

Blog Post

934 Projects Completed

Julia created and maintained a fitness and nutrition blog. In her blog, she wrote about the importance of making healthy choices and following a fitness program. She was not preachy and did not talk down to people. Julia always found ways to be encouraging and engaging, so that her readers would feel empowered to make good choices. She understands how difficult it is to always make good nutritional choices. Julia did not make her readers feel badly about making bad choices, but encouraged them to continue, even when they didn't always make the best choice.


0 Projects Completed

Julia has created presentations as part of her professional career for over 15 years. She creates presentations and presents them to executive staff, as well various clients and customers. The presentations she has created have been educational to teach about a specific application or item. Other presentations have been to market different applications to customers. Julia has found creative ways to explain complicated processes in a way that anyone could understand.

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