Bianca's specialities include the trials and tribulations of motherhood, politics, fundraising, and product copy writing.
When Bianca isn't writing or chasing after her two toddlers feeding her young baby she can often be found studying grammar and punctuation (she's a fan of the Oxford comma), knitting, reading, or trying to squeeze in some exercise.
Bianca attended the University of Kansas from 2004-2006, before she moved out west to chase her dreams of working in Hollywood. Before she left school it was always her plan to finish her degree. She will be going back to school in the fall of 2018 to complete that goal.
Bianca spent over five years working within the multi-family housing industry. After leaving the industry she was a staff writer and editor for a quarterly property management publication. She loved bringing humor to the pieces she was writing and showing that even some of the most stressful parts of the job could have humor.
Bianca has worked with non-profits as a contractor as well as a volunteer. This experience has given her the unique perspective of what it's like to not only run a non-profit successfully, but how to appeal volunteers and donors.
Bianca has worked on political campaigns, volunteered for political organizations, and lobbied on Capitol Hill. She has written for political blogs and lobbyists. When her clients hire her to write pieces she sets any personal bias that she may have aside and writes what her clients have hired her to write. She has written blog pieces and bill descriptions for clients.
Bianca has worked the last couple of years writing various product descriptions ranging from auto parts to wines. She enjoys finding what it is about each product that would appeal to the consumer and creating the perfect product description that meets the client's desires.