Education, Insurance, Business and Marketing, Parenting, Children's advocation, College awareness, Organization, Personal Finance, Legal, Home Living, Travel, Athletics
Jeni is interested in social issues, politics, literature, educational issues, home improvement, wine and food, travel, fitness, and athletics.
Jeni began her college career "undecided" and earned over 190 hours of undergraduate credit in multiple fields including Psychology, Political Science, Philosophy, Sociology, and Education. She ultimately decided to study English and Business, two fields that have led her to the world of writing.
After starting her family, Jeni returned to school to earn her Masters in Education. This experience gave her a tremendous amount of insight into the challenges of managing work, children, and college that she draws upon in her writing.
Jeni returned to school again to study Administration and Supervision. This study helped her develop insight into management and curriculum.
Jeni has written on a large variety of topics under the broad based category of home living including heating and air condition maintenance and repair, construction and design, lean manufacturing processes, descriptions of fields of study for educational institutions, how-to's for preparing for a business trip, technology terms for the layperson, and even etiquette for fine dining. She specializes in researching complicated topics and summarizing the concepts for those who may not have the expertise to understand them in industry-related language.
As a paralegal for a defense litigation term, Jeni learned a great deal about the insurance industry, particularly with regards to personal insurance lines and subrogation practices. She is comfortable explaining complex topics in terms that a general audience can read to gain knowledge on related topics.
Jeni has spent the last fifteen years teaching writing at the middle school level, coordinating a college awareness program, writing curriculum and professional development plans, writing grants, and writing education-based blogs for district and state education websites.
Jeni has earned her HubSpot Inbound Marketing certification and has completed multiple projects on inbound marketing strategies, content marketing, traditional marketing, and marketing automation solutions. From SEO strategies utilizing keyword placement and long-tailed keyword titles, she can develop quality blogs and website content to help the client improve website traffic and increase the bottom dollar.
Jeni has earned her HubSpot Inbound Marketing certification and has completed multiple projects on inbound marketing strategies, content marketing, traditional marketing, and marketing automation solutions. From SEO strategies utilizing keyword placement to strategically developed long-tailed keyword titles, she can develop quality blogs and website content to help the client improve website traffic and increase the bottom dollar. With a minor in Business Administration, she has the knowledge base to effectively communicate business topics in a concise manner with the ability to adjust her approach between B2B and B2C audiences.
As a divorced mother of two, Jeni has spent years studying child rearing, educational opportunities, and learning how to independently manage personal finance and run a household. As necessity breads ingenuity, she has completed dozens of DIY projects and has learned many tricks to ease the challenges of parenting and money management.
Jeni worked in the legal field as a paralegal for eight years where she wrote and edited professional correspondence, trial documents and exhibits, medical research, and legal research. She spent her volunteer time serving as a Court Appointed Advocate serving children who were in need of permanent placement.
Jeni is savvy in navigating the web and has exposure to all types of blogs. Her primary interests lie in developing research-based informational text or doling out advice based on her knowledge and research. She loves to conduct research and is willing to learn about topics in order to produce content that meets the needs of her clients.
Jeni has completed multiple projects for clients in a variety of fields developing website content for consumers. She specializes in taking complex concepts and breaking them down for the general audience as would typically seek information on webpages. She loves research and enjoys writing information that requires a solid foundation of understanding industry vocabulary.
Jeni has developed, written, and presented professional development sessions on topics including classroom management, instructional strategies, Common Core, and A.V.I.D.